Let's hear it for the Geoguide!

Even though no one is going to look at this, I thought I may as well stick it on here.

The Management Part III - 07/20/00 22:48:31
My URL:Nope
My Email:You'll never find me
Geographic Location: Bwahahahahahaha
In case anyone looks at this, I have decided to continue to exploit Geocities' guestbook facility, as I am too lazy to write my own at the moment. You can sign this, and view it, but I'm probably even less likely to read your messages now. One day I'll fix everything up on the new site... but not today.... asa

Brandon A. Downey - 06/15/00 05:52:09
My URL:http://www.exodus.net
My Email:mammon@catholic.org
Geographic Location: The Vale of Megeddo
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: No, lojban is clearly its lord and master.
Aimee, So delightful to see you have a home page! And it's all content rich and junk too! In case you're wondering about the lapse into quaint California colloquialisms, I'm now in Sunny Santa Clara, suckling at the teat of a multi-billion dollar company as a security person. No, not the people at the desk, an _Internet_ security person. Drop me a line sometime, I'm sure you have some desperately original thesis about Russian syntax that is of critical important in translating those Greek Orthodox scrolls I found in a cave outside Istanbul. Oh yeah: Watch out for wild dog attack! http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20000613/us/census_worker_dies_5.html Brandon "She's a jacka.." Downey

Fuad Ramses - 06/14/00 17:28:20
My Email:mostlin@earthlink.net
Geographic Location: Hell, Indiana
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: Have you ever had an Egyptian feast?
Been a long time. Just found your page and thought I'd say hi. Hope all is well.

Ian Burchette - 05/24/00 14:22:48
My Email:Ian_Burchette@rmic.com
Geographic Location: home of R.J. Reynolds cancer sticks
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: nah mate...them dingos too crazy for me
Aimee - I had to leave my mark (yes much like a dog and every tree) to let you know I stopped by. I'm still recovering from the disbelieving shock created at our graduation. If there is such a thing...you get get my drift. You should offer courses in pig latin too! :n )

Little Grey - 03/16/00 15:39:58
My URL:http://www.catsmeow/LG
My Email:MouseRizzoni@Newts.com
Geographic Location: Under the Oak Tree
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: No. Learning English was bad enough.
Meow, meow meow meow meow. Meow, Meow! Meow meow meow. Meow MEOW MEOW MEOW meow meow meow. Meow meow meow, meow meow (meow meow meow) meow meow meow: Meow meow meow meow & meow meow. Meow, Purr, XXX OOO

Toby - 03/16/00 15:30:08
My Email:TuxedoCat@Newts.com
Geographic Location: Pet Heaven
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: I already understand it.
Just napping on this fine cloud, remembering that some of the happiest days of my life were spent with you. This place is pretty good. Birds, rodents, rabbits readily available, fine English countryside, automatic petting machines, doesn't get any bette than this. Hey, I ran into Puppy Chow and Cheddar Cheese, they don't have e-mail yet, but send their love. Meow and Purr, Toby

Hafaz Al Kuduwi - 03/16/00 12:53:20
My Email:ursus83286@aol.com
Geographic Location: The Village
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: I played with those guys. Musically, they stink!
A fine site. After The Revolution we'll all speak Esperanto and be One World. BTW, your father is a dyslexic flagellate.

Mommy Dearest - 03/16/00 01:59:59
My URL:Someday I'll have one.
My Email:AnnMarieVP@aol.com
Geographic Location: The Gulf Coast
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: Yes. I LIKE this language.
Hi Meem, Love your site. I found it all by myself! It is YOU. You are a treasure, always were. Love & Kisses

kathryn - 03/01/00 15:01:29
My Email:katrushe@hotmail.com
Geographic Location: a big room
This ex-flatmate just loves the site!!

Vivian Murray - 02/15/00 13:46:51
My Email:vivianmurray@mail.utexas.edu
Hey Aimee, Unlike me, I guess Algebra and Pre-Calculus didn't trap you in a world of science and engineering. I confess I didn't check out your writings yet, but I will do when taking a break from my chemical world. Vivian

René J. Van Veldhuijzen - 05/08/99 11:58:31
My URL:http://www.prontomail.com/Prontomail/users/vanveldhuijzen
My Email:ronalddeboer@hotmail.com
Geographic Location: east 5o15' by north 52o6'
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: If you think it can not hurt ?
A truely lovely site, although I have to read much of the text yet. Thank for the option of zipping and reading offline. I found your site through the penpalnet, but I had not expected such an intelligent woman. Thank you, it was refreshing. I look forward reading more from your site if you do not mind. A crazy flying Dutchman

JAmes Eddy - 04/24/99 04:53:38
My Email:eddyj@ezonline.com
Geographic Location: You know where I am!
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: Not really... Don't really know what it is anyway!
Hey Aimee! Nice website...the tone just SCREAMS Aimee Ashbaugh. Once again, however, you are too intelligent for little ol me and I got lost about three sentences into it! :) Take care!

Don E. Mann - 02/13/99 17:59:31
My Email:dmann@cnu.edu
Geographic Location: east of the Appalachians
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: Only if I get to send you notes in Korean.
To avoid repetition, insert "Don" for "Jason" on Jason's comments--oops, not repetitious, but still wordy. Also, I compliment the clever components comprising your computer-based composition. You seem to have some interest in linguistics, no? By the bye, I have a BA in English Literature and have been tutoring writing for a little while. Side note--I don't know if I knew you at Lakenheath, but your name is disturbingly familiar although I graduated in '91.

The Management - Part II - 10/30/98 15:55:07
Just to clarify here, I have no affiliation with the two porn sites which, for some reason, have chosen to leave their mark on my guestbook. I could just delete them, but the place would be that little bit more barren, wouldn't it?

10/26/98 13:26:49
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

John Sumners - 10/05/98 15:54:12
My Email:sumners@email.unc.edu
Geographic Location: I'm not from 'round here
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: Decidedly not
I really like your new webpage, especially the pretty pictures :).

Cindy - 09/25/98 12:19:57
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Jason E. Reichenberg - 07/04/98 17:21:41
My URL:/MadisonAvenue/Boardroom/4063/
My Email:reichen@gateway.net
Geographic Location: Grovetown, GA
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: no
Hey Aimee, this is Jason from Lakenheath. Just saw your information on the world alumni registry and thought I'd check your website. Bye, Jason

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:53:03
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

The Management - 12/02/97 02:34:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/parthenon/4402
Do you want more info on Dyirbal?: No, it's too difficult!
Well, I got curious as to how this would look with an entry on it. Now I know.

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