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Donate to the American Red Cross

 What's New

Once again we are making changes, hopefully this will be the last time. We hope that you like our new look.

The main reason for the changes were due to many changes in the links. Since the old logo was build with the links into it, changes needed to be made. In order to avoid that in the future we created this new look. We also wanted a more professional look as we begin to move forward. The original Eclectic Cafe will remain to remind ourselves and those who have been with us how far we have come along since we first began. You will also notice that there was a name change that was due to the fact that when we went to register the name was already registered.

Some of the changes, were due to service providers going down. The Eclectic Mall was one that did not make it, the other was DiDahuWiSGi Yi, went by the way side when also went under. Those were just some of our losses, others were due in part to the logo and links being all in one. We also wanted to improve on the load time of our site, thus making it easier to browse.

Besides the new look, there will be more links added, which at some future point will include a new store front, hopefully one that is secure with our control of it.

Some of the old things will remain, such as the tarot lessons, but these will be changed to meditations. These meditations can then be discussed at our ICQ site. The ICQ will be open for any type of discussion. Another thing we would like to add is a personal's page a place where people of like minds and beliefs can meet others.

I would like to ask you to remember our sponsors they are in part responsible for us being here, from providing traffic to free web space. We will have a page with links for our sponsors.

Last but not least I would like to take this time to thank , Coffee Cup for their do nation of their software that provided this new look, exchange for the above banner. But more then just free software, I believe that the Red Cross and other such organizations need our support at this time

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 Practical Magick

The time has come to put into practice all the things we have read. The time we have put into meditation. That is going within ourselves and bring forth the light.

Remember first those around you in your daily lives, shine your light upon them. Then those with whom you come in contact. Are you the Hermit upon the mountain top? Is your lantern shining so that others may have light upon the path?

There are many ways that we can help. This is a good time to put practical Magick to use. So mote it be!

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