"Carolina Moon"

"Wind Beneath My Wings"


The First Flight

More info! , FAA Info.

Click on the picture to see more photos/info about the Wright Brothers.

Bennett School is a Centennial School. We celebrate the Wright Brothers' First Flight by learning all we can about this event!

Helpful Links:
First Flight Centennial Commission
NASA Connect
The Why Files Series - PBS programs
UNC-Charlotte Educator Resource Center
Virginia Air and Space Educator Resource Center
NASA - Online Activities for Grades K-4
The Aeronautics Internet Textbook for Grades K-8
Wight Flyer Project K-12 Classroom Activities
Off to a Flying Start - K-4

"Fourth Graders Like Calling North Carolina Home!"

North Carolina's Flag
Tar Heel Legend
Our State's Motto
North Carolina's Flag
Tar Heels

esse quam videri
The General Assembly of 1893(chapter 145) adopted the State's motto and directed that these words with the date "20 May, 1775," be placed with our Coat of Arms upon the Great Seal of the State.
Look into the history of our flag…
There's more than one version as to why we're called Tar Heels…
Translation: "To be
rather than to seem"

What do you think the motto means?

North Carolina used to be called the Rip Van Winkle State. Why?

Summary of "Rip Van Winkle"

Some of the Piedmont industries that have helped North Carolina move forward: Textiles, Tobacco, Furniture, and Brickmaking

Duke Homestead - Tobacco Empire
Textile Museum Home
The Story of My Cotton Dress

Society and Technological Change
Why Technology?

Some of the North Carolina sites worth exploring are as follows:

African American History in North Carolina

Appalachian Cultural Heritage

Blackbeard Page-Bennett Fourth Grade

Blackbeard - More Information... David Moore's Page...When Blackbeard Scourged the Seas

Bluebird Nest WebCam -Active in May and June...Archives

Carolina Clips - DPI

Daily Summary of Actions by the NC General Assembly

Fourth Grade Project: North Carolina Cities

Fourth Grade Project: Virtual Tour of Raleigh

General North Carolina Page

Ghosts Across the Carolinas

Charlotte's Web: Native American Home - Great Site for North Carolina Native American Tribal Links

Greensboro Sit-in for Civil Rights

George Moses Horton, UNC-CH

Holler! - Spivey's Corner, NC

Legislators for Chatham

Lost Colony-Roanoke-A Mystery in History

Lost Colony Story

Natural Science Museum

Preservation North Carolina - Guide to Historic Sites

Public Schools of North Carolina

Ocracoke Ponies

Queen Anne's Revenge? - DCR

Regional Resources for the State of North Carolina

Regions of North Carolina... Sources

Social Studies 3-5: Teachers...here you will find links to all major goals!

Subsistence Remains from Prehistoric North Carolina Archaeological Sites

Tales of the Coast

Tar Heel Ghosts and Legends

Thomas Day, Cabinetmaker

Cherokee Cultural Society of Houston

Trail of Tears

Trailblazer Magazine Online
September, 1999 - Hurricanes
November, 1998 - Indian Heritage
Dec./Jan., 1998-99 - Wright Brothers First Flight
February, 1999 - NC Cities

Uwharrie Lakes Region - Homepage

Western NC Quilters Guild

WNC Guide - The definitive guide to the Mountains of the Carolinas.

Homepage of Ruby Jones