candle light
Happy Holidays from Eva's Heart and Hearth
candle light

More of my pages to check out are:

The Garden of My Dreams - If you are looking to share gardening hints and experiences, or just looking for links, please visit this spot.

Eva's Kitchen - Check out my favorite recipes and links to great recipe and baking resources on the web.

Eva's Homebrewing Haven - Check my Brewery for recipes, tips, and links to Internet Homebrewing and Meadmaking supply distributors.

Eva's Craft Center - Love creating? Come share my excitement, project ideas and GIFT Ideas, as well as resources over the net that have supplies not easily obtainable at most fabric and craft stores.

Gingerbread Houses for All Seasons - See what tricks and treats we picked up to help you build your own.

For the latest information, images and waves, you must check out my Hot List!

Welcome! Here you can find

  • Getting To Know You - All about my family, our friends, and the pages that bind us together. Also, a calendar of Family milestones. NEW
  • Personal Interests - What I enjoy doing in my spare time and Links to our additional pages. NEW
  • Current Projects - What trouble I've been getting into lately.NEW
  • Hot List - Some of my Favorite general sites... PLUS links to weightloss support groups and links to retailers of women's clothing in larger sizes!
  • Fun Downloads - These are a few interesting bytes of fonts, like the Agatha font used in this page!
  • Contact Information - For those with Comments and Suggestions
  • Birthday Wishes - I thought I'd make it easier for everyone by posting suggestions for gifts this year.
  • Check out the new recipe archives available now off of Eva's Kitchen

Getting To Know You

My friends are also part of my family. One of my best friends is Chris Bean. We go back a long way. He is in New York now, but if you'd like to meet him just go to Chris's Homepage.

Dave Dean has been a brother to Shawn. His pages contain many family photos.

Mozart has been a friend of mine since High school. He has links to a variety of music such as Tangerine Dream. He also shares my love of British humor and sports links to Dr. Who, Monty Python, and Rocky Horror as well as Sci Fi channel and Highlander series sites.

Ken, we met through the Marine Corps. He is now a thriving civilian. His pages can give you insights into archeology, the Marine Corps, Role-playing games and writing.

Here's to good friends!

Our Family Album

Chris's Homepage

Dave and Melissa's Home Page

Mozart's World

Ken Heskett's Web Page

Tori and Alex visit Santa Tori Love's Me Page
Tori.gif (62374 bytes)

My family is very important to me. I believe strongly that people are the most important things in our lives. Possessions may come and go, but the ones you love are with you always. If you would like to meet our family, just stop in Our Family Album Page.

August 1, 2008
It has been a while since I updated hasn't it. We are still living with my parents and things are OK. I'm writing for a news blog and working on my novel. It's a work science fiction although it has some elements of romance. It's only about 200 pages but it's really a basic outline at this point which needs to be fleshed out.
August 31, 2005
Sadly, a chapter of our lives has come to a close. Due to taxes and utility bills spiraling ever higher and out of control medical bills, we were forced to sell our home. We are now living with my parents. This is actually a good thing, as they have a huge house and yard, that we can help them maintain. So far things are rough, but we are getting better everyday.
August 18, 2005
I an MRI which showed I have no cartilage in my left ankle, and that's what has been causing me so much pain. So, I went under the knife again. My surgeon installed an external fixator, which looks the a blue erector set, through my ankle. It will push the joints together, forcing them to fuse. I should no longer suffer from pain when I walk.
April 30, 2005
I have attended my first ARD or Area Recognition Day. Our chapter OH#341 was leader out of 130 chapters in total weight lost last year. I have been struggling so far and have lost about 15 pounds. However I am redoubling my efforts. I am also committing to a contest on Century Club In Waiting, that is my Yahoo group for TOPS members with over 100 pounds to lose, to the KOPS 2007 challenge. I hope to earn my KOPS or Keep Off Pounds Sensibly status by December 31, 2007.
August 02, 2004
At my all time high weight I have committed to joining TOPS or Take Off Pounds Sensibly. My mom is joining with me. I hope, with lots of love and support, to lose a whole adult male
November 27, 2003
Connor Oren Sines was born very early Thanksgiving morning November 27, 2003. His Aunts have nick named him Turkey Butt. We went to Alex's kindergarten class to help out with the party and ended up leaving school early to go straight to the hospital.
May 14, 2003
Well now I've gone and done it. I slipped down those last two stairs at home and broke both bones in my ankle. After they popped my foot back into place, they put a plate and six screws in to hold me together. Fortunately, Baby is alive and well.
March 02, 2003
Once again, we have been blessed with another child. We are expecting her or him December 1, 2003, although the latest ultra sound put Baby's due date closer to Thanksgiving.
August 28, 2002
Our new home is finally finished. We're moving in despite not having our major appliances yet and we are thrilled!
June 5, 2001
At long last, Elizabeth Noriko is here to join us. This tiny tot surprised us by being a pixie and late to boot. Eventually, I'll recover and be able to scan and post baby pictures of her.
Spring 2001
Now that we are expanding our family, we are planning to find some more space to live in. We have taken the plunge, and contracted with MI to build our first home. It feels like we are expecting to babies now, an infant June 1 and the house the beginning of August.
September 15, 2000
Although I've been doing very well, my dieting is put on hold. we are expecting a new addition to our family in June 2001.
March 15, 1999
Shawn's tour of duty as an active Marine is up! We are finally able to move back East, and rejoin our family and friends. `
July 9, 1998
Our adorable daughter Alexandra Sakura was born. She is even bigger than her big sister You can see her baby pictures atWelcome Home Alex!!
November 07,1997
We found out another addition to our family is on it's way! Our new arrival is due mid July!
December 17,1995
Our beautiful daughter, Victoria Madoka was born. She is a thriving, lovely child! You can visit her at her very own home page, The Tori Love's Me Page.
January 1995
I moved to Southern California to join my husband, Shawn. He is now a Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton California. This has been quite an experience for this Ohio girl. I miss the change of seasons, fall leaves and snow drifts, but I do love the beaches and I'm taking advantage of the time we have here.
March 15, 1994
My husband, Shawn joined the United States Marine Corps with a five year contract.
May 8, 1992
Eva Lynn Greenlee (that's me) married her best friend, Shawn Eric Sines. We were married in a courthouse in Ohio, where we both grew up. I've known Shawn since I was sixteen.

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Personal Interests

  • Gardening - My garden is my joy. My mother was raised on a farm, and though I'm a city girl, I guess a little love of the earth has been passed on to me.

    Now that we've moved in with my parents, I have an acre and a half of yard to play with. I am itching to get on my feet and into my garden. More details are on my gardening page.

  • Music - I've added several bands to my favorites including some gothic rock form Europe. I discovered Lacuna Coil and Within Temptation which has lead me to Nightwish, Leaves Fallen and others. I'm also a big fan of Linkin Park, Muse, and Snow Patrol these days. I suppose I shall have to add a playlist application one of these days.

    I love just about anything with a good melody and rhythm. I come from a family of Classical musicians, but we listen to everything out there. I have pieces from groups like Def Leppard, Queen, NIN, Tangerine Dream, Pink Floyd, and Berlioz on the same collection! I've collected all kinds of icons, waves and karaoki related to our favorite bands. Currently, I am really into a group from Finland called The Rasmus. They are very popular in Europe and have put several music videos out, the most well known being "In The Shadows"

  • Cooking - I love baking and cooking, especially Breads and cookies. My specialty is pizza. I have also taken some courses on cake decorating. I really love it! I have taken all three Wilton Cake Decorating Courses, and have been practicing my craft enthusiastically. This is one hobby I can do with my kids! There will be pictures of my work on my Kitchen page when we get a new scanner.
  • Candle Making - I really love candles. I have discovered it's fun to make custom colored and scented candles for myself, and for gifts. I have several different molds including hurricane and votive molds.
  • Brewing - I'm into Homebrewing my own Beer and Meads. This hobby is one all my friends enjoy! Unfortunately with the virus decimating the honey bee population, Mead making is a very expensive proposition these days. I have been really interested in the history of mead making a have found a couple very good information sources on the web I'd like to share with you.
  • Crosstitching, Sewing and Crafting - I really love to sew, and find cross stiching so relaxing. Unfortunately, my little girls want to help, so I rarely find time to indulge. I learned quilting from my Grandma Dorthy. I also promised myself I would learn to mount my cross stitch myself before I start any new projects. I can't believe how much it costs to get it done for you.
  • Ceramics - I just love to go to the ceramics shop. I've also been collecting gift ideas for the Christmas Holidays. We have a nice one, Adobe Ceramics, close to home. Stop in my crafts page and see what I'm up to now!
  • Japanese Animation or Anime - Our whole family shares a love of this wonderful art form. If you've ever loved cartoons or Disney, you may find yourself a natural Otaku! I think my favorite series are the more serious such as Neogenisis Evangelion, and Serial Experiment Lain, although I also love Yuyu Hakisho and Inu Yasha. I always have liked most anything done by Rumiko Takahashi.

    My favorite movie is 'Perfect Blue', a kind of adult, Hitchcock reminiscent piece. We have 'Totoro', 'Kiki's Delivery Service', 'Castle in the Sky', 'Princess Mononoke', and 'Spirited Away' in our media library on DVD. 'Howl's Moving Castle' did not Disappoint.

    Cartoon Network is showing a number of anime selections including Rumiko Takahashi's latest series 'Inu Yasha.' I enjoy it immensely and the four movies have been very good. One of our latest acquisitions is 'Paprika' which deals with Dreams and the subconscious.

  • Role-playing Games - We enjoy many different Science fiction and Fantasy roll playing games. Dungeons and Dragons 4.0 is out and I can't say that I'm adjusting well to the changes. It's OK as long as I don't think of it as D&D.

    It's too much MMO like with miniatures required. There are no magic spells. Everyone has powers cards instead, which of course Wizards of the Coast are marketing. Some of the most useful parts of 4.0 is the online content, but there's no way we can afford a subscription since it's by the individual, not the household. Our older daughter want to play too and four subscriptions is out of our reach.

    I can swallow Star Wars 4.0 but I'd rather stick to D&D 3.5 thanks.

  • Reading - I enjoy reading most sci-fi and fantasy, but Mysteries are my favorites. I also enjoy reading about ancient and modern world religions. Lately, I have been introduced to those Twinkies of literature, the romance novel. I have discovered that they are too saccharine served alone, but very palatable with an appetizer of historical or a side of suspense.

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Current Projects

Gingerbread House for Halloween -
We actually did two haunted Gingerbread houses this year; one Wilton boxed kit and the other kit from World Market. As far as kits go the World Market house was cooler and much easier to set up since you use the box it comes in as a frame. However, it doesn't taste as good as the Wilton kit.Our first haunted gingerbread house from 2000 can be found off of my Kitchen page, along with tips and information on creating these wonderful confections!
Irish Double chain Quilt -
I am finishing the quilting on this piece of work. I am using the stitch in the ditch method and decorating with a floral design. Sometimes I think I'll never get to finish it up with three kids "helping me"!
Tori's Scrap Book -
This is obviously an ongoing project. I've hundreds of photos and great ideas for it. Also, a good friend of mine has become a Creative Memories consultant, so I am more motivated than ever. I've got a scrapbook started for Tori. Now I need to start one for Alex, Libby and Conner and put together some family albums as well. Check out the tips I've picked up on my crafts page.
Black Dragon Mead -
I have a gallon of honey just crying to be brewed into Black Dagon Mead. I think I'm going to stick with the original recipe using concord grape juice this time instead of the cherry blend.
Reading List -
Summer 2008 - I've been reading a lot this year. I've found a couple new authors that I really like. Patricia Briggs is right up my ally with supernatural fiction. She has several different series although the first I came across features Mercedes Thompson. I've read Moon Called, Blood Bound and Iron Kissed. The next book in the series Bone Crossed is due out next year.

I've also discovered Stephanie Meyer. I've read her first adult novel The Host as well as the Twilight Saga. Alex and I are going to pick up the final book Breaking Dawn tonight at midnight.

Fall 2005 - After my latest surgery, I had had lots of time to catch up on my reading. In fact I have read more books in the last three weeks than I had since I got out of college. Most recently, I've read Carpe Demon (Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner. The premise in sort of a what if Buffy got married and had kids, then got drug back into the biz.

Recently, I have discovered a few new series. I have started The Cat Who... series by Lillian Braun. I also read the first four in Laurell K. Hamilton's Vampire Hunter series.

I still enjoy Barbara Michaels. She does such thorough research on her backgrounds, it is a pleasure to read her books. now I have more reason to read her work. She writes under a pseudonym, Elizabeth Peters. I have all but tapped out her work under Michaels, so I'm looking forward to reading her body of work under this name. These are mysteries heavily laced with Egyptology as that is one of her areas of expertise. Among her works under this name is the Amelia Peabody series. I have, of course, already finished The Half-blood Prince.

Taking Care of Me -
Summer 2008 - I'm still in TOPS and have joined a web based support group called Spark People. I have a page up there under the name of Ldysabella. I'm struggling, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel and opt for gastric bypass yet.

Summer 2003 - I discovered Flylady while sitting in a chair (with or without wheels) for weeks after my first ankle operation. My house is completely out of control. Actually I haven't been able to keep up for a while now. So, I've spent some time checking out web sites with strategies for big families and Home organization. I discovered FlyLady's site and I'm really excited about it.

She emphasizes taking baby steps to create new habits and routines. She also talks us through and around perfectionism. I tend to despair if I can't have everything perfect, and it prevents me from starting jobs I know I have no hope of completing to my exacting standards. I am learning to help myself one small step at a time now, just as I am once again getting stronger everyday as I hobble along with my walker and crutches. My house didn't become a disaster area in a week, and it's not going to get organized in that time either.

Recipe Research -
I collect recipes like some people collect Magic cards. And I use them too! Lately, I've been concentrating on finding fall and Halloween recipes for our annual Halloween Party. Martha Stewart may be evil, but she has some awesome ideas for Halloween. Download my personal favorites off my Kitchen page.
Flower, Herb, and Vegetable Gardening -
After a wet warm Spring, Summer came on hot and dry. Crops around here suffered as we sank into drought conditions. The reservoir is so low it looks like you could wade across it and most corn only grew to shoulder height. Still we got two Jack-o-lanterns and several Baby Boo pumpkins from our patch.

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Hot List!

These are a few of my favorite general sites to visit on the web. They contain information and great links...

  • Of course Barnes and Noble has to be on this list. How else would I support my reading (music etc.) habits.

    Search by:

  • Grandstyle Women's Club - This is a gathering place and a treasure trove of information for women of size.
  • Livejournal - I have a blog under Ldysabella to help me keep up with my friends. I find it is a great therapy as well. You can list entries as private, friends only, or public. It's also a lot of fun.
  • EN World - D&D/d20 System News & Reviews - This is a great gaming resource, with all the lastest on d20 products, as well as a message board for discussions on problems or ideas with running role playing games.
  • Debbie's Themes - I love to rotate my desktop themes. I use Desktop Architect to do it, and I get most of my themes and screensavers at Debbie's.
  • Valuepage - I am doing my best to save money while shopping. Between Sunday paper and magazine coupons, and Internet coupons such as this, I am managing to save 25%-33% off my grocery bills.
  • Aura Cacia Home Page - This company carries my favorite essential oils. I am allergic to alcohol so I use them for everyday perfume, as well as in massage and sacred oils.
  • Yankee Candle Company - I love fragrant candles! Their line of wax potpourri also terrific! I also love their accessories like votive holders and tart burners.
  • Lehman's Hardware - Lehman's Hardware is a non-electric store in Ohio's Amish Country. One of our favorite trips is to take an afternoon visit to their Kidron store. They carry everything from candle and oil lamp making supplies to non electric kitchen appliances, pots and pans, and cutlery. Of course you can place orders from their catalog and via Internet.
  • The Stash Tea Company - I fell in love with this brand of teas out in California, especially their Green Kashmiri Chai Spice. They are slowly becoming available locally, but I can only get their decaf blends through their catalog or online at this time.
  • Gevalia Kafe - We are talking luscious coffees here.
  • Staufs Coffee Roasters - My favorite micro-roasters from Columbus, Ohio. They serve the most outstanding cup of Joe with extensive knowledge, experience, and outrageous customer service! My favorite flavored blends are Highlander Grogg (which has a butterscotch/rum taste) and Snickerdoodle (which tastes like that famous old fashioned cookie with cinnamon and hazlenut flavors).
  • Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Halloween Page - How can you pass this up. I downloaded many of the Halloween graphics used on this page at their site. They offer online games and downloadable goodies. And their ice cream is Hauntingly good! And... don't miss out on their Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Home Page!
  • Virtual Florists - Whether you want to send virtual or real flowers, these people are wonderful!
  • Krellan's Demented Halloween - This guy is way into Dr. Demento and has some neat Halloween songs compiled on realplayer.
  • Not Just For Kids! Halloween Carols - Do you remember Pumpkin Carols? Here are some with midis to karaoke by.
  • Wiess College Pumpkin Caroling! - Pumpkin Caroling remains a favorite Fall activity at Wiess. Check out their route and repetoire.
  • At Home in the Bronx - Here is a web site of my friends back East. It's got some really fun links, especially for those who love the Big Apple. Enjoy!
  • Anime Turnpike - If you love Japanese animation and manga as we do, you need to check this site out!
  • Google - One of the worlds most extensive search engines at your fingertips. Have you Google wacked today?

    Lately I have been looking to find decent clothes in larger sizes. My time has become a precious commodity and I'm not able to sew as much. Here are some Links to online catalogs I've found. They all are willing to send you hard copies through snail mail.

    Yahoo Search engine is another of my favorites. Just plug in here, to find what you need.

    [ Yahoo! ] options

    Garden, Crafting, Kitchen,/b>, and Home brewing pages. Enjoy!

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Fun Downloads

  • Agatha Font - If you want to see my page as it was intended, you'll need to download this font.
  • Basset Font - This font is used on Homebrewers' Haven
  • Arcane Font - This font is used on my Craft Corner.
  • Arcane Wide Font - This font is used in my Craft Corner too.
  • Kids Font - I used this one on Tori's page. It's one of my all time favorites!
  • ChristmasTree Font -I use this on my Christmas pages.

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Contact Information

In case you missed it upon entry, here is another chance to check peruse my Guestbook... Sign Guestbook or View Guestbook

Please tell me what you think about my home page and how I might improve it.

Feel free to mail at my Electronic mail address:

The Web address of my Home Page is:


Last updated Sunday, November 15, 2008

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