Acronyms and Abbreviations An acronym is a string of characters formed from initial letters of several words, regardless of whether the result is pronouncable (like NASA) or not (like FBI).

Anagram Dictionary Did you know that parliament is an anagram of partial men?

Biotech Life Science Dictionary 6700+ terms that deal with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology, genetics, ecology, pharmacology, toxicology and medicine.

Dictionary of Color Ever wondered exactly what color London Fog was? Celestial Yellow? Rembrandt's Madder? Ever needed a poetic name for a particular color? The dictionary of color terms is the place to go.

Dictionary of Military Terms Now you can find out what a dan buoy is. No need to guess!

Glossary of Computer Terms

Little Explorers PICTIONARY Click on any letter of the alphabet to hear it and see words that start with it in this pictionary. Sound, large graphics, simple definitions and relevant links for each word.

Martindale's Reference Desk Here you will find oodles of Specialized Dictionaries, usually related to a certain profession or hobby.

NASA NASA Space Technology terms and definitions.

NETDICTIONARY Alphabetical reference guide to technical, cultural and humorous terms related to the Internet.

Onelook Dictionaries 1,746,606 words from 284 dictionaries are indexed in this "onelook" site.

Online Dictionaries and Translators Multilingual dictionaries, Free Online Language courses for 105 different languages and translations. Goldmine for foreign language students and teachers. 100's of practice tests and audio examples.

Roget's Thesaurus Why isn't there another word for Thesaurus?

Romantic Dictionary of Flowers Hugely popular during the Victorian era, lovers would send coded love letters using these floral dictionaries. The type of flower, its color and even the positioning and presentation of the flower has a special meaning.

Rhyming Dictionary A semantic rhyming dictionary. Did you know that there is no rhyme for silver, orange, month or purple?

WWWebster Dictionary Merriam Webster dictionary plus Thesaurus.

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