Welcome to the Barry Hughart Bibliography Guestbook.

Audra Clement - 08/21/00 16:03:48
My Email:kidatheart9@yahoo.com

Great site...God, how I wish he would write more books!!

Nick - 07/05/00 19:11:42
My Email:nick.clarkson1@virgin.net

I came across your page whilst searching for clues Barry Hughart. Today I picked up a copy of his first book Bridge of Birds in a local bookshop. It really bought a smile to my face as the book is my favourite book ever! I also bought his two other books tory of the Stone and Eight Skilled Gentlemen. I have always been on the lookout for further works and seeing the book today I decided to see what I could find out whilst surfing. It is such a disappointment to read that he has had no other books published and worse still that he may have given up wri ing. Its a great pity as he had one of the most absorbing and captivating style of any author I have read. If your out there Mr.Hughart and you read this by any chance PLEASE start writing again and let us all share the wonderous worlds you see.

colin henson - 06/30/00 14:30:49

i love the books they are a constant source of amusment and inspiration.

tmathews - 06/13/00 19:24:39
My Email:tmathews@peoplescom.net

I found your site through Ask Jeeves. I'm a devoted Hughart fan, with BoB being my all-time favorite book.

I'm working on a e-list to use when lobbying publishers for more Master Li and Number Ten Ox stories.

Mila - 05/31/00 08:37:52
My Email:arienrod@yahoo.com

The most brilliant stuff I've ever read, after Roger Zelazny's "Creatures of Light and Darkness", isn't it?

Al Atwood - 01/26/00 16:41:21
My Email:aatwood@genphysics.com

I've only come across three books and each is a treasure! It would be great to see more, as well as a reprint of the first three. Very inspirational!

celia west - 01/12/00 21:19:45
My Email:celiaw@wpgate1.ahs.state.vt.us

heard raves about the books, never heard the name befor, lokking for a great read

Steve Cox - 11/05/99 01:38:28

I think the man is a gifted writer. His sense of humor blows me away. I am saddened that his publisher has apparently done such a mediocre job of publicizing his work.

Julie Saunders - 09/20/99 20:47:50
My Email:jsaunde@hotmail.com

thanks for the info; i've been searching for another barry hughart book now for years (last i read was story of the stone) so it's great to know there's a third one out there now. hope to see much more from him in the future.

Ray Leung - 07/07/99 23:16:05
My URL:http:// Sorry, no idea
My Email:arctriton@hotmail.com

I'm afraid I have an interest in something which would probably cause Mr Hughart to have a fit: adapting 'The Bridge of birds' as a television mini-series. Any info you can give me on his agent, his email or any other contact would be appreciated. Regards, RAY LEUNG

Adrian Cavanagh - 05/12/99 19:35:29
My URL:http://www.llandrillo.ac.uk
My Email:s9821510@llandrillo.ac.uk

I have read all three of Barry Hughart's brilliant books, having got Bridge of Birds free with the now defunct "Fear" magazine. They are three of the most hilarious fantasy books I've ever read. A sense of humour which can often be missing from most fant sy novels. Is he going to write anything else?

Adrian Cavanagh - 05/12/99 19:34:34
My URL:http://www.llandrillo.ac.uk
My Email:s9821510@llandrillo.ac.uk

I have read all three of Barry Hughart's brilliant books, having got Bridge of Birds free with the now defunct "Fear" magazine. They are three of the most hilarious fantasy books I've ever read. A sense of humour which can often be missing from most fant sy novels. Is he going to write anything else?

Danny Ivanova - 03/22/99 07:22:19
My Email:c752059@showme.missouri.edu

Thanks for this info. I would like to read something by Hughart soon, but...I can wait. Take care, Danny

Barry Brevik - 03/11/99 07:15:58
My Email:barry@smtek.com

Great site! I've read Bridge of Birds and The Story of the Stone. Both are Superb.

James Huckaby - 01/21/99 19:48:06
My URL:http://www.raveller.com/
My Email:james@raveller.com

Thanks for providing the Bibliography, et al. My Web Site is entitled "The Half Closed Eye: part of the truth revealed" in homage to Hughart. I may post your cover scan of "Bridge of Birds" on my "About the Title" page (with your permission of course). Thanks again.

Jerry Jasper - 12/17/98 00:23:47
My Email:jerry.jasper@mci.com

I'm a total Barry Hughart fan and collector! Thank you for the very interesting partial bibliography. The cover photos were particularly nice!

Shawn - 11/20/98 03:31:40
My Email:shawn@sprungsuspensions.com

After reading Bridge of Birds, I felt as refreshed as if I'd had a month's vacation. I ordered as many copies as I could afford and gave them as gifts to other vacation-needy people. The omnibus is great news. I suspect that the sci-fi look of the covers f the sequels played a big part in the poor sales. My used bookdealer had dumped them on the science fiction shelf, and he's read BoB! He was very sad when I bought the two, one hardback and one trade, and I promised to let him borrow them back...

Richard Kelly - 11/17/98 18:25:10
My Email:Richard.R.Kelly@usda.gov

Thanks for establishing this site. While I fear we may have seen the last Master Li novel, due to reportedly moderate sales caused by/causing insufficient marketing efforts by the publisher, I applaud any effort to spread the word about the quality and p thos of the existing three books. Now let's all buy the new STARS OUR DESTINATION omnibus edition as a Christmas present for everyone we know, and maybe Mr. Hughart and a publisher will become interested in future projects.

Terry Wood - 11/13/98 15:42:14
My Email:another_mac@bigfoot.com

The most info I have found on Mr. Hughart and his books anywhere.

10/27/98 13:09:10
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Sharon Lee - 10/12/98 16:38:23
My Email:sharonjm@iname.com

the man is a genius. make him write some more.

Cindy - 09/25/98 13:03:49
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Susan - 08/11/98 23:29:55
My Email:dragonmom7@geocities.com

I have the Story of Stone published by the Science Fiction book club, the dust jacket looks the same as your other scanned images

Bob Garcia - 08/03/98 17:12:27
My Email:garpubserv@aol.com

The Stars Our Destination is publishing a omnibus signed hardcover and trade paperback edition of Hughart's books

marvin - 07/31/98 05:26:23
My Email:griest@ibm.net

wish there were more books! took a chinese history course-was a real kick to 'compare' the different versions.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 12:29:28
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Joe Iglesias - 03/18/98 15:30:21
My Email:jchurch@bu.edu

It's a very nice surprise finding a page about this great, if not prolific, author. I hope the other two books'll return to print soon.

Willem - 12/02/97 19:10:52
My Email:wjtimmerNOSPAM@worldonline.nl

Mike: Nice page: never heard of the guy, but given your devotion to good books I will try to find some copies here in Europe during Christmas Holidays and start a new reading cycle. Will be a short cycle :-) because there are only 3. Starting a page for his author is certainly good advertisement.

Chrius - 11/23/97 12:51:37
My Email:Chriswhe@aic.net.au

Strange.....I had a page at this address once... pity

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