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to this site since 21 October 1997
Welcome to our Chat Room
(By clicking here you can take a short cut to a page with only our
Chat Rooms without photos, etc (a faster download time).)
This site is intended to be a Forum for members of The Nelson Family, our friends and colleagues to discuss matters of interest to them.
We are in Sydney Australia) (see picture of the Harbour), but many of us have travelled widely.
These interests may well be
legal issues, educational, literature, art, historical-political biography, light philosophical, school chit-chat (for the kids) and hobbies, such as chess, dogs (see the Dog Show Chat), travel, computers and the Internet itself.
New interests are kindled from day to day, particularly as the
children's interests change.
Some of the immediate members of the Nelson Family are
lawyers (Ann and David) (see photo of both).
There's an architect, doctor, interior designer, author, university art student (currently Art under-grad) and another working with the NSW Government, and some are still just kids at school.
(Meet William's teacher from Early Entry in 1997)
All the little ones went to see "Showboat" for Edwin's Birthday (8 July 1998).
For video/audio clips see the Fieldmice Playroom if they wish.
Parents are welcome to drop in there to keep an eye on them so that things don't get too rowdy.
Please keep the tone of the discussion here appropriate for the youngsters
who may be on-line from time to time.
This page is also an educational exercise
for them and their friends.
For those others who feel the need for
some lighter chit-chat, you can call in at
The Mosman Coffee Shop for light refreshment
and Internet-ual gossip with your friends there.
You can
leave a message for us or others in the
Message Bank.
You can email us at
(for Ann and the children)
or at David).
Please visit from time to time to view the progress
of the construction work on this page.
Having now worked out how to add photos,
we may now substitute them with new ones from time to time.
So if you would like your photo added to the site just email it as an attachment to Ann.
Here are some examples:
Add your Home Page too by just emailing us or by leaving a message in our Message Book
To get your own FREE ParaChat room
See what messages others have left us (or perhaps for you too) by checking the messages in the Message Bank yourself. View Message Bank
If our older cousins are not here then you may possibly find them hanging out with lots of other 11 - 15 year old Hanson Band fans over at Hanson on Line
(Thanks to our cousins we used this Chat site as a precedent for setting up this Nelsons Chat site. But that Chat Room is too jammed packed full of teenagers for younger kids to feel really comfortable there.]
The Nelson children may therefore sometimes be visiting The Coles Family Chat Room in Texas The Coles or they may be playing at GTWorld MOO (but a password is required first) -
Or the Nelsons could also be visiting GRASS ROOTS MOO (where no password is required and you can simply explore) - (The MOO commands can also be found there.)
You can also find a few demonstration Chat Rooms at Parachat by
You are visitor number
to this site since 21 October 1997
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