y1'1t'44h, kw1'asin7. d77shj99g00, dib4 ts'7d1 t'4iy1 t1d7n7shkaadgo baa naash1, ndi k'ad kin[1n7 holy4h7g77di naash1ago d00 naanish 1niid7 baa nts4skeesii saad bee haasht'44h. Danny T[7z7zhini d00 din4 [a'7g77 bi[ naaltsoos [a hadadidii[77[ nisin. din4 bizaad agh1 bee bik'7dooch77[ ndi [a ata halne bi[ 1doo[77[. k'ad kin[1n7 biyi naanish b1 hoo['aahdi hanisht1 d00 b4eso [a yish[22h t'4iy1 baa naash1. d77 hai g0ne' nihihastoi d00 nihis1anii dzi[ ntsaa binaa k4dahwiit'7n7g77 bahane dah n1h7didii[a niidzin. t'11 a[tso b4eso d77 naanish bee shoidoolt'ee[64 din4 biOffense/Defense Committee d00 BMIS biih yidooljih. h1go0nee, owen gh22nj8 ashdla 1adah hello people, these days i am mostly herding sheep but right now i am in town working on a new project. as a fundraiser for Dine bi'offense/defense committee and BMIS, i will be working with Danny Blackgoat and some others on collecting stories from those Navajo elders living on Big Mountain. the stories will be published in a book written primarily in Navajo, with some copies providing translation to english. i am looking to set up a workspace in Flag right now and trying to raise funds. anyone wishing to help out should write me an be well, owen 10/15/01 (*old but still current*) i am completing my revisions on "colloquial navajo", published originally in 1951. it is being appended with the following preface and contains over 1100 of my own updates and crossreferences. a useful tool for a person at a certain stage of learning the language. send me an email and i will get you a copy, absosmurfly free of charge. it is a work in process that is very skeptical of progress. like me. nido0sh, daats'7? navajo font free download: BIZAAD. |
old meandermumbles
more recent ones
some theory from a past incarnation:
on David Labby's The Demystification of Yap (6/3/99)
reddish musings on marx 5/2/99
the originary moment of capital 4/26/99
polemic on kosovo 4/22/99