
y1'1t'44h, kw1'asin7.
d77shj99g00, dib4 ts'7d1 t'4iy1 t1d7n7shkaadgo baa naash1, ndi k'ad kin[1n7 holy4h7g77di naash1ago d00 naanish 1niid7 baa nts4skeesii saad bee haasht'44h. Danny T[7z7zhini d00 din4 [a'7g77 bi[ naaltsoos [a hadadidii[77[ nisin. din4 bizaad agh1 bee bik'7dooch77[ ndi [a ata halne bi[ 1doo[77[. k'ad kin[1n7 biyi naanish b1 hoo['aahdi hanisht1 d00 b4eso [a yish[22h t'4iy1 baa naash1. d77 hai g0ne' nihihastoi d00 nihis1anii dzi[ ntsaa binaa k4dahwiit'7n7g77 bahane dah n1h7didii[a niidzin. t'11 a[tso b4eso d77 naanish bee shoidoolt'ee[64 din4 biOffense/Defense Committee d00 BMIS biih yidooljih. h1go0nee,
gh22nj8 ashdla 1adah
hello people,
these days i am mostly herding sheep but right now i am in town working on a new project. as a fundraiser for Dine bi'offense/defense committee and BMIS, i will be working with Danny Blackgoat and some others on collecting stories from those Navajo elders living on Big Mountain. the stories will be published in a book written primarily in Navajo, with some copies providing translation to english. i am looking to set up a workspace in Flag right now and trying to raise funds. anyone wishing to help out should write me an email or contact BMIS voicemail: 520-773-8086. this winter we hope to begin collecting the stories.
be well,

(*old but still current*)
i am completing my revisions on "colloquial navajo", published originally in 1951. it is being appended with the following preface and contains over 1100 of my own updates and crossreferences. a useful tool for a person at a certain stage of learning the language. send me an email and i will get you a copy, absosmurfly free of charge. it is a work in process that is very skeptical of progress.
like me.
nido0sh, daats'7?
navajo font free download: BIZAAD.

the indifferent stare of care

old meandermumbles
more recent ones
some theory from a past incarnation:
on David Labby's The Demystification of Yap (6/3/99)
reddish musings on marx 5/2/99
the originary moment of capital 4/26/99
polemic on kosovo 4/22/99

humberto maturana
paul virilio
Hakim Bey
n.Chomsky (a cunning linguist)

a testimony, may01
My Good Judge So and So,
i demand your leniency with respect to this fine young man, a citizen of St. Cloud his whole life. Judge, this man is accused of expressing himself. The record indicates that he has damaged property, implying that he has created a mess or broken something. This is false, your honor. The defendant has dug deep into his soul, and with the meager materials at hand, created something that reflects his situation and the situation of the city that he has always known and loved. Your honor, this is what is known as ART, and if you will consider the great artists of our western history, you will notice that across visual, musical, even religious mediums, those truly driven to express their truth, to communicate to people in an artistic way, have always been at loggerheads with the established scheme of property and governance. Such is the case here. And judge, you know well that there has always been state-sponsored fatuous "art", like this high-falutin' art train that rolls into our town with soem beefy grant in tow--to tell us what art is! can you imagine! Art is right here on our streets; if it ruffles the feathers of the landed gentry, well, that is how it has always been. Believe me, they will be clamoring to expropriate its very strokes in generations to come.
  One question remains, your honor, and herein lies my faith in your understanding: will you be numbered in the annals of history among those who, in stodgy adherence to the letter of the law written by and for the rich, strove to stifle the flower of creativity and living culture, or will you allow a little space and leniency for the sort of people whose particular truth drives them to transgression?

(rob X faces felony destruction of property charges this summer for tagging the "art train" in early may)
