Dave's Christian Radio Site in Real Media

This site contains Christian Radio Programming in Real Media Format - I hope you enjoy the sites that I have listed.
If you do not have Real Audio you can obtain it from the RA link at the bottom of this page.

Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all of the sites listed below. I do recommend that you check out the following "Alistair Begg"; "Answers in Genesis"; "The Bible Study Hour"; "Chuck Colson's Breakpoint"; "FamilyLife Today"; "Focus on the Family"; "John MacArthur's Grace to you"; "Back to the Bible"; "Ravi Zacharias International Ministries"; "James White"; "Chuck Swindoll"; "Radio Bible Class"; "Renewing Your Mind Online with R.C.Sproul"; "Xenos"; and "The White Horse Inn".
You can visit various Christian Artists through the LightSource You can also hear Christian Radio Programs by clicking on the icons beside the names of the stations.

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A. Begg
Truth for Life with Alistair Begg
Renewing Your Mind with R.C. Sproul
C. Swindoll
Insight for Living
with Chuck Swindoll

The Cross
Any Site with a Star "*" I highly recommend as the very best. As with all of these sites you should check what these teachers say according to the Scriptures.

* Renewing Your Mind Online with R.C. Sproul * * Ravi Zacharias International Ministries * * Back to the Bible * * Beverly LaHaye Today *
The Bible Answer Man * BreakPoint with Chuck Colson * * The Bible Study Hour * Running to Win, Erwin Lutzer
* Grace to You with John MacArthur * * FamilyLife Today * * Insight for Living with Chuck Swindoll * * Truth for Life - Alistair Begg *
The House of the Lord WordPower The Lutheran Hour * The White Horse Inn *
In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley * Focus on the Family * Full Pardon * Radio Bible Class *
Steve Brown Mini Bible College Dr. Adrian Rogers David Moore
Jack Graham Life On the Edge * Adventures in Odyssey * University Presbyterian Church
Pilgrims Path Proclaim - Moody Bible Institute The Grace Hour Josh McDowell Radio
Calvary Chapel * Harvest Ministries * K-WAVE Radio Cornerstone Baptist Fellowship
CBN Thomas Road Baptist Church Bible Broadcasting Network * The Institute for Creation Research *
* Dr.Tony Evans * Seed Time Unshackled * James White *
* Issues, etc. with Don Matzat * * Walter Martin and other Speakers * * Life Audio Speakers * * Stand to Reason *
* The Audio Bible * Renewal Radio, Gene Getz People to People Telling the Truth
Harvest Christian Fellowship Angels of the Poor Moody Church Hour First Edition
God's Great Outdoors Hope for Today Billy Graham Religion Today
* Turning Point - David Jeremiah * * The Word for Today - Chuck Smith * World Missionary Evangelism * John Ankerberg *
Joni E. Tada and Friends Christian Witness Ministries Friends of Israel * Answers in Genesis *
World Invisible Luis Palau A New Beginning Trinity Baptist Church
A Slice of Infinity Public Square Getting Down to Business Grand Old Gospel
* Xenos * Reasons to Believe * Focus on the Family, Canada * Truth Encounter with Dave Wyrtzen
Power to Change Peninsula Bible Church Southern Baptist Voices Family Radio Theatre
William Webster Strait Gate Sermons Dave Hunt & the Berean Call The Berean Call Newsletter
KGOV Promise Keepers Changed By The Word Westminister Theological Seminary
* Research Report * Still Waters Revival Assignment Frontlines Transforming Presence
Life on the Edge * Real Family Life * Family News in Focus * Focus on the Family International *
* Desiring God Ministries * Christian Communicators Worldwide * Center for Church Reform * Beeson Divinity School
* Access Research Network * * Discovery Institute * PDI Ministries Young Leader Networks
Rivendell Institute * Reformation & Revival Ministries * * Southern Baptist Theological Seminary * * Southern Baptist Founders' Conferences *
Don Whitney Matthias Media New Life Center Song of Solomon
* Coral Ridge Ministries * * Abortion No ** All Souls Church ** C. H. Spurgeon at Sermon Audio *

Please note: Occasionally some of these sites may be down due to repairs at their homesite. Also note, that I do not necessarily recommend all of the sites listed here. Also if you have problems accessing any of the real audio files you may want to look at my help page.

My Choice!

For my choice of a realaudio site of the week, please click on the image(s) below. When you click on the icon your Real Audio Player will begin to play my selection. Enjoy!

* The Genocide Awareness Project *
A windows media file on the genocide awareness project, which advocates prolife policies visually.

Listen NowThe Genocide Project New Animated Gif

Visit the site, The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform

* The Death of Truth *
Death of Truth, effects of postmodernism in today's culture, an important series.

Common Objections Series with Gary Delashmutt

"How is the Bible Different from Other Scriptures?" by Gary Delashmutt
Listen Now The Bible or Other Scriptures New Animated Gif Download The Bible or Other Scriptures New Animated Gif

"Doesn't Evolution Discredit the Bible?" by Doug Rudy
Listen Now Evolution and the Bible New Animated Gif Download Evolution and the Bible New Animated Gif

"Can You Interpret the Bible Any Way You Want?" by Rick Morris
Listen Now Bible Interpretation New Animated Gif Download Bible Interpretation New Animated Gif

The Scopes Trial and Restoring Biblical Truths in a Compromising Church, Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis.
The Scopes Trial and Restoring Biblical Truths in a Compromising Church New Animated Gif

Why I am Not an Atheist, by Ravi Zacharias.
Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 1   Why I am Not an Atheist New Animated Gif Why I am Not an Atheist, Part 2   Why I am Not an Atheist New Animated Gif

Alpha and Omega Ministries, a discussion on Jehovah's Witnesses.
Jehovah's Witnesses New Animated Gif

The following is the top five questions students ask, it is a series of messages by Ravi Zacharias.
Ravi Zacharias Part 1 Top 5 questions New Animated Gif Ravi Zacharias Part 2 Top 5 questions New Animated Gif
Ravi Zacharias Part 3 Top 5 questions New Animated Gif Ravi Zacharias Part 4 Top 5 questions New Animated Gif
Ravi Zacharias Part 5 Top 5 questions New Animated Gif  

If you do not have the Real Audio plug-in installed, you may download it from their site.
Download Real Audio now!
Click here for Real Audio

Dave Wile | dave_wile@hotmail.com
Tell me what you think of my site, please!
If you know of any good sites that I could include please e-mail me, thank-you!

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The pictures (jpegs, gifs) on this page are not necessarily my own if there are any copyright images on this page please notify me at dave_wile@hotmail.com.
