Suspicious Circumstances

"Please investigate my death."      mch, jr

Igor then claims that he looked inside the windows of the house and found my father seated on the floor of the bathroom. He then called the police.

I always thought that story was strange. If you saw a friend of yours lying sick on the floor, wouldn't you go inside and render some type of aid. How could Igor have even known he was dead if he hadn't already been inside. Two additional mysteries were the fact that my father's reading glasses were smashed and his laptop computer was smashed. Igor and Roxana both claimed that my father himself had smashed them in a fit of anger.

I went to Odessa to claim my father's body. The Coroner said he died of a blow to the base of the skull and that he had been drinking. Still that seemed implausible to me. People drink and fall down all the time and they don't die. It is simply not probable. I asked Roxana if they had talked of divorce, and she unequivocally denied it. She said that once several months before he died they had argued and talked of divorce, but that they reconciled. What could I do? A man says he's leaving his wife and a few days later turns up dead. The whole story sounded ridiculous, but yet plausible. There was no other evidence to say different. So I took my father's cremains back to Lake Arthur, Louisiana for burial in the family plot. My family continued to provide Roxana with financial support.

This is where the story would have ended had it not been for Roxana's grandmother Galina and her father Anatoly. Apparently, they began to worry
about the whereabouts of my father. Roxana had told them that my father had returned to America. Why this fabrication? Why not just say, "my husband fell and died."? Anatoly wrote to my father in America not knowing that he was already dead 3 months. It was then that he produced two letters written in my father's own hand stating that Roxana and Igor were lovers who planned to kill him and make it look like an accident. "Please investigate my death." I thought my heart would break when I saw these letters. They were my father's voice crying out from the grave for help.  Help that never came.

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"His eye glasses
and his computer were smashed."

"Without the assistance of Anatoly Yani, we would have never known the truth."  celeste

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