And Welcome To My Site!

My name is Spencer VanderHawk

(not my real name)

And I'm glad you came by for a visit!

I have a lot of interesting things
for you to see and do.

Please feel free to come in and stay for a while...

(Not My Real Picture)

In order to continue into my website, I have created a challenge for you. Below, you will see three "Enter" buttons. In order for you to correctly enter my website, you have three chances. If you choose incorrectly, one of two dreadful things will happen:

(A) Your browser will be infected with a nasty virus,
(B) Your browser will sucked into a vicious black hole

However, if you're lucky you will proceed into the wild and wonderful world of Spencer VanderHawk. The decision is yours.

You are visitor #

©2000 VanderHawk Enterprises