Welcome to THE BOOK!

Shar - de Koala Lady - 09/11/00 22:02:23
My Email:Klub4Koala@aol.com
How did you find this site?: google search
Which part do you like best?: Koala pics
From one koala (kollector) to another! KoalaKollectorsKlub@onelist.com

Taru - 04/20/00 16:57:46
My Email:taru.tienhaara@nic.fi
How did you find this site?: via TakeAction e-group
Which part do you like best?: all of it actually!
This is great! If I come up with any ideas for the page/ TakeAction I will let you know!

heidi junker - 03/15/00 00:48:01
My Email:ladyj21@mailexcite.com
How did you find this site?: i looked under female circumcision
Which part do you like best?: all
What would you like to see added?: how we can help stop it
i think that this is a horrible thing that is being done in other countries just for the sake of keeping their traditions. its harmful and degrading to women. what year are we living in?

Salmeen - 03/03/00 17:14:11
My Email:sal4evr@yahoo.com
How did you find this site?: search engine
It is so sad I wish so badly that I could do something This isn't even a part of the Islamic religion to which I belong to It must be stopped for one day I will too be an Afghan Woman

Di - 06/18/99 15:18:33
My URL:/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/8033
My Email:intellection@hotmail.com
How did you find this site?: jam
Which part do you like best?: afghanistan crimes vs. women
What would you like to see added?: let me sleep on it
Nice page girl!

loreley garcia - 03/12/99 15:50:10
My Email:loreley1@yahoo.com
How did you find this site?: onelist
Which part do you like best?: every
What would you like to see added?: protests
Is unbeliveble that the mankind will enter in XXI with such barbarian practices.The culture must be respected, it provides identity to one group but the is a limit and this limit, I think is the human being in its universal rights, holliness among them. L reley

Jezanna - 01/24/99 23:54:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Resort/4511/
How did you find this site?: You told me
Which part do you like best?: **S** your commitment
What would you like to see added?: lots of ppl for the meditation
Congrats LK for taking the time to care about this issure, and for surving the glitchs that Geo Builder has thrown your way lately...I hope a lot of ppl take part in the meditation, it's a very worthwhile project.

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