Greek Gods and the Zodiac
This maybe of interest to those into Greek Mythology and Astrology.
To dream
about ZEUS is said to resemble an authority figure.
behaviour in your dream may reflect your own conscious or unconscious
desires, what you look for in a mate. For men there maybe a hint about your
attitude towards, or your treatment of women.
HERMES - may be delivering
message which you may not want to ignore. Although he was also a trickster,
self-centred, impulsive and dominating, he may be reminding us of our own
adolescent selves, things we might not have grown out of. It maybe telling
you that there is a message or messenger not to be trusted or is not
reliable as you think in waking life.
ARES - god of war, trademarks are
aggression, courage, assertion of own will, and determination. His actions
in your dream maybe addressing any problems you have in the area of your
ambitions and goals.
PROMETHEUS: - was the creator of mankind and the giver of fire to man.
Having that in mind I think he might be telling you to think of the
consequences before acting, as he disobeyed the gods in order to give fire
to man and was punished for doing so. Maybe even represent a martyr so to
speak, helping or doing something despite the consequences in order to help
others or yourself.
To dream of ARIES - forthright, decisive, selfish, and ruthless.
reliability, common sense, sensuality, practicality, stubbornness, and
GEMINI - alertness, vivacity, youthfulness, duplicity, and
CANCER - caring, protective, affectionate, understanding,
clinging, and worry.
LEO - leadership, enthusiasm, creativity, generosity,
autocratic, and domineering.
VIRGO - analytical, clinical, health-conscious,
talkative, modesty, gossip, and overly critical.
LIBRA - sympathy, kindness,
relaxation, resentful, indecisive, and laid back.
SCORPIO - powerful
emotional and physical energy, sense of purpose, jealousy, hate, and
SAGITTARIUS - intellectual, energetic, optimism, wisdom,
restless, may take unnecessary risks.
CAPRICORN - ambitious, aspiring,
progressive, political, worry, pessimism, and emotionally cold.
original, friendly, helpful, glamorous, progressiveness, artistic or
scientific, distant, unpredictable, and romantic.
PISCES - kindness,
sensitive, creative, emotional, disorganised, deceitful, unrealistic, and
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