A Tribute - for my friends

A short time visiting my favourite place on the "net" has yielded a rich harvest of friends, people who have welcomed and befriended me, and touched my life with theirs. The greatest gift any of us can give is ourselves, and this page is a tribute to those who have enriched me with this gift  Come often; this page IS growing rapidly.

To meet my friends, you can click on those names highlighted in blue and visit their home page as well

BOLT, whew; someone of my kin with the brain like mine, off-switch not working. :-) Well, that just may be the benefit of growing old, you will get sleepy like me. Your strength of faith, unswerving grasp of kingdom principles and your kindness, all have impressed me. Thanks for embracing the "old man" from the Antipodes, and thanks for noticing and seeing my time of need. Your prayers have been heard and answered. You really must get to meet Glenda (BOLT supports my family and I in prayer, and many times I have felt the impact as she has interceded for me and mine in our time of need. -NEVER NEVER NEVER underestimate the importance of being linked in prayer with others)

CHARITY    With people like you believing in me,  . . . . . well it sure helps on the tough days. Thanks for being there, and we'll see lots more of each other I'm sure. As our God is true, so he will bring back the prodigal - He will . . . . . . keep on praying.

Citabria & Sonrisa  You guys are great. Your lot in life has many loads to bear, you carry them with courage, faith and grace. The Lord bless you both. PS, I miss you.

Crossbearer   We sat in the same chat for months and hardly ever spoke, then when we did, we find we have such a kinship, thank you for your grace, gentleness, faithfulness, wisdom and support, long may our fellowship continue.

Enigma   NOT A BIT. You are more honest and clear than most dare. You challenge and stretch me, both mind and spirit sharp, never ever forget the day we installed that new operating system.

EXMFJ  A brother and a countryman online. You are an absolute marvel of graciousness and patience under fire. Your gentleness and strength of faith and calling stirs me. Soon we will see each other again I hope.

Greek Geek    It didn't take me long to figure you out. You have JESUS emblazoned in huge letters on your heart and the tip of your pen, and it shows everytime you write. I know you don't have too long in this earth dustbowl, so I know I will not have the opportunity to meet you here. Be assured my little sister, I will be watching out for your "ear to ear smile" when we get home. Thank you for giving. POSTSCRIPT  Greek Geek had only a few months to live at most when we met, dying at barely 21, but full of fight for those round her, a prayer warrior, courageous and positive till the last.

Isa40-11   For those that visit the chat room known as Christian general chat (No.1), there is a name that has become synonymous with the spirit of grace, and of friendship there. How many other tributes I wonder also start with a thanks similar to this one. Isa, thank you so much, for your welcome, your willingness to give of yourself, and to love without asking. Thank you so much more for the friendship that we have been able to share, long may it continue.

Jacky    What good fortune that we got to meet. I saw your desperation to somehow touch the God who made you even in that first time we talked. I promised I will be here for you, and I meant it. I am so filled with joy that tears come to my eyes hearing how you have chosen to take those steps that will bring you to a full and open relationship with our Saviour. Oh, yes and I look forward to eating that banquet at "Clarke Quay" Pick somewhere on the river, I need the cool breeze, I need you to correct my bad yinyu accent on my zhongwen.
"Postscript" Jacky and I got to meet 17th April 1998 when I went to Singapore briefly on business, and we went to Clarke Quay,  . . . and we talked till the wee small hours  -it's great to hear that you're back in fellowship at a church my friend!

Jesus Freak    Sigh. you exhaust me just thinking about you. I wish I had the energy you do. But hey! I'm learning the rules. -Look!
1) "Michelle is always good, and Michelle is always right"      2)  See rule No.1
Honestly though, it gives me pleasure to see someone your age with your commitment, and potential to take this world by storm. Never give it up, never let it slip, and I miss the fun, don't forget to come visit us in GC1, once in a while.

jim F.    Well, what do I say, we never chat in the chat room, but we still chat often! To talk of spring gardens and “presidents gone wrong”, raising teenage daughters, and the simple delight of living, knowing our creator. Such variety, and never satisfied.  One day maybe we'll even get to take that late night port.

JOB    God just put us there at the right time to meet, and how that friendship is growing. The thing to remember is that JOB was a good man, and I think it was a good choice of handle for that reason, not any other. You have been bold and very courageous so far - you're doing more to please God than you may realise, don't be too hard on yourself, no Kingdom was built in a day, - but like with Hezekiah, we're gonna see the walls built "because the people had a will to work" Keep on and conquer friend!!! Postscript : Since we met, Job has  not only accepted Jesus, he has led most of his children to the Lord, and is a witness in his place of work. A trophy of grace, pleasing to his Redeemer.

Lou-Wow   We tease each other so much, people must really wonder sometimes if we are serious. Thank you for your overcoming spirit and enthusiasm. Keep that loving heart reaching out!!

major   I see your depth and strength and I take courage in seeing your unwavering faith, steadfastness and clarity of purpose. We have worked side by side now for a long time in “net-years” , and  our vision stands clearer together now and stronger than when we first began. Thank you for your friendship, your example of humility and your simple honesty. Yet al these words seem so poor to express my joy in having you as a friend. One day we SHALL wrap arms and drink coffee together, before we each finish our own “good fight”

Matie     Well what can I say. You don't really belong on here, I didn't meet you at chat, I brought you to it. You are my best friend, and I miss seeing you so bad some days. I think we need video phone with "smellies" so we can sniff the coffee as we talk, that should be a minimum aim. The 6000km that separates us at the moment proved far too small a barrier to blunt the kinship of two families knit together, as Jonathon and David. To think not only do we LIKE each other’s kids, our kids even like their parent’s choice of best friends, I never ill forget the three days it took to extract Josh from m lap in Perth!!! He little champion. Gem and I did nothing to deserve your great friendship, it also was a gift from God. Oh and Matie COME HOME!!!!

Momo   Little one, I keep forgetting your youth, as you show a consistency and maturity and a wisdom that come not from years, but from sitting at the feet of the master. Keep right on!!! We need more like you to “step out from the crowd and be, strong enough to lead” heroes are not made of swords and arrows, but of grace and courage.

NDivisible, my foil and reality check so many times. It seems we may never get to meet in the flesh, so I will have to be content with our on-line fellowship. It is really great to meet someone with the same sense of humour as me, and such an unswerving grasp of Kingdom principles. Oh and friend - "Where is my Fiasco serviceman?"

Nutmeg    We seldom talk, but your courage and determination to stick to our Saviour in the most difficult of circumstances have touched my life. I hope I can be a blessing to you as you have been to me. I pray often for God's blessing upon your life.

Reepicheep    Where DID you come from dude - I LUV those shades, but more, I feel the empathy that comes from two people who understand each other more than from mere experience, when two hearts touch on things they share and love in common, and know that they know each other better by what they share in common, than in just what they have shared together. Be BOLD brother, and keep that sword a flashing till Aslan calls us both "farther up and farther in”

Reverb  What can I say. You show such compassion, and gentleness towards those around you. KEEP the softness, call us who grow hard easily what is our first calling.

Rose    Your love of God and the kind heart He has given, you shine bright. I do so enjoy our chats, and maybe just maybe, you, and Bruce I WILL get to meet this side of Heaven. Keep those petals fresh and ever inclined toward the Son. I miss you in the chat, the water is warm and safe, come back swimming, the sharks are all but extinct.

Shimmer   So many don’t even know your handle, but we know the value of our friendship, and the many times each has propped up the other in time of need. How good God was, to draw us together, and place a helping hand at each of our elbows. Thankyou for believing in me, in those dark days I even doubted the ministry in myself. Thankyou for your sense of humour, and your example of grace in adversity.

Smileybear   Stalwart, always happy, encouraging an kind. Behind the smiley face, few can know her steadfastness as well as I, for when I was injured, unable to work, and had no hope of ever playing sport again, and thought we would lose all we owned, Smiley prayed . . and prayed . . and prayed . . for months, and encouraged me every time we met. God heard the prayers of a faithful servant interceding for us. God rescued, our business, our home . . . and months later, in a sovereign at of grace, restored my health and strength. THANKYOU from the bottom of my heart, on behalf of all my family.

Yidden   My peer, my fellow visionary, my friend. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, your consistency and your love for a grafted brother!!

A Special thanks to Chris Clarke for his obedience to God in establishing the site with the general chat room and making all this possible. To his dad, Roy, who with Steve K. have taken over the vision and ownership of the site. Thank you for believing in the ministry, and the impact you have both made in such a short time.

And there are still so many to add, so watch this space.

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