
More info:

Born in Savannah, GA in 1925 Attended Peabody High School and Georgia Sate College fro Women (now Georgia College & State University). Majored in English and Sociology. Diagnosed with Lupas in 1951 and returned to her ancestral farm in Milledgeville. Died Aug 3, 1964.


- Flannery O'Connor at Wikipedia
- Links to O'Connor at Georgia College and State University

Welcome to a site dedicated to one of the best and most influential Southern authors. Sure Faulkner was good. But Flannery O'Connor had the talent of capturing Southerners and the core of their religious beliefs in a way that has never been emulated. Included on my page will be reviews of her short stories, theme paper topics, an account of my trip to Milledgeville, and every book written by or about Flannery O'Connor available to order. If you have any comments, feel free to email me. Please don't email asking for help on paper assignments. If you're writing me for help on your thesis, you're going into the wrong profession.