Ok, I hope you enjoy digesting these facts as much as I have looking for them and not to mention writing goofy commentaries on them. I'll update these as soon as I find even goofier comments. Please check these out while I wrack my brains(they're not large, by the way, you'll understand this statement after you go through the following J)


  In a scientific experiment, when hard rock music was played for termites, they could chew through wood twice their normal speed (Wonder how they'd react to Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight"…"Oh my darling, you look wonderful tonight...crunch krak-a-rak...crunch krak-a-rak")

  The Atlantic fish has a light on its eyes it can turn on and off (Heyyy, how come the Atlantic isn't charged with an electricity bill??)

  If you pulled a starfish's five arms off and threw them into the sea, a new starfish would regenerate from each arm (So much for family planning)

  It takes 4 hours to hardboil an ostrich egg! (Phooey! Phooey! I prefer *instant* noodles for breakfast)

  There is an African beetle that survives in the desert by drinking fog (That's what I call efficient use of scarce resources - boy, that beetle would make a great economist!)

  The slowest animal is the snail: it takes an hour to go 150 feet (Never fear - slow and steady wins the race)

  Eels have 2 hearts (They ever thought of becoming donors?)

  In rare cases, cats have been known to fall five stories and not get hurt (You think that's strange, I've got f®iends who in every case, don't even realize if they get insulted 5 times in a row!!! Yo Amrit, you reading this J J J )

  Snakes never blink or close their eyes (Yeah, so why do we humans become insomniacs?)

  It costs the Coca-cola company more to make the can than the cola inside it (Is that why some people collect soft drink cans?)

  Woodrow Wilson's image is on the $100.000 dollar bill ( They say dead people don't take a single dime to their grave - they're right!)

  In history fish hooks have been used as a form of currency, along with blankets, rats and reindeer (this I gotta tell Santa!!)

  Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth (duhhh…as if we didn't know that!)

  The footprints left on the moon by the Apollo astronauts will last about ten million years (What 'bout those handprints left by celebs on Planet Hollywood?)

  Mercury is the only metal that's liquid at room temperature (Drat, I thought it was a planet…)

  In 1896, Martin Goetze received a patent for a device that he claimed made dimples on your face (Say Cheeezzze!)

  Big brains don't always mean big smarts. The ant has the biggest brain of any animal in proportion to the rest of its body (Dig that, birdbrain??)

  The shoe on your right foot will wear out faster than the one on your left (Not me, I'm a lefty when it comes to feet!)

  In 1981, in Ancona, Italy, a tornado lifted a sleeping baby 50 feet into the air and set it down 328 feet away without awakening it (Now, who gave baby Luigi sleeping pills, speak up!)

  Narcolepsy is the disease in which you can fall into deep sleep within a moment, anyplace or anytime (So what? Backbenchers in class aren't even sick and still they have these symptoms! Next thing you'll tell me is that "Epilepsy is the disease in which you can write great epics like 'Ramayana' or 'Mahabharata' within a moment, anyplace or anytime")

  You can light an average-size house by the electric power generated by an eel (Too bad, my neighbour's aquarium has got no eels in it, otherwise I'd go for it!)

  Lemons are composed of more sugar than strawberries (I suppose tamarind is composed of more sugar than M'n'Ms, eh?)

  The only politician to be eaten by his constituents was Victor Biaka-Boda of France, who represented many African tribes, one of which was made up of cannibals who ate him up (Isn't life ironic…)

  President Gerald Ford was once a model (Noooo! It can't be! Cindy Crawford for President, its out of the question!)

  In medieval times in Japan, dentists extracted bad teeth by pulling them out with their hands (Ouch! That's Harakiri - pure and simple!)

  In 1439, King Henry VI of England banned kissing, because he said it spread diseases (Bah humbug! That's just coz' he's never experienced a "French Kiss" before!)  

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