Well, here is the starting of what I hope to be an extensive list. If you're from albert and you want to be on email me with your name (if you have a Wiccan name and want to go by that that's great too), email address and what city you're from.
NAME: Kerridwen (that's me!)
EMAIL: kerridwen2@hotmail.com
CITY: Edmonton
NAME: Ice Age
EMAIL: sricard@v-wave.com
CITY: Edmonton
NAME: Epona
EMAIL: epona8@hotmail.com
CITY: Edmonton
NAME: Rhyanna
EMAIL: rhyanna@unforgettable.com
CITY: Edmonton
NAME: WestMoon
EMAIL: wildchild@connect.ab.ca
CITY: Edmonton
Thos are the only ones for now, feel free to email me with your info!
© 1998 Email me with your submissions, Kerridwen