Lillybee's Useless Knowledge

Thanks for visiting my page!In case you're wondering this page is about Useless Knowledge and odds and ends that the normal person wouldn't think about everyday.This page will forever be under construction so visit me often. If its not too much to ask please sign the Guestbook (at the top of page). I only hope that you leave this page with a little more knowledge and a smile on your face.Thanks...kristen(lillybee)


Hi Everyone. I’m asking someone out there for help. I no longer have the time to work on this page. Therefore, instead of deleting it, I would like to give it away. I will continue to help you with it and answer any questions you might have. If you are the person who decides to take the page you will be the person who is solely responsible- you can delete parts keep parts whatever you want to do would be fine. Also, I will give you the passwords to everything, and change it to your e-mail address. The only requirement is that you keep the topic around the same as it already is. Please I WILL delete this page if no one wants it. E-mail me if you’re interested.

dotThe Fact Filesdot

Did You Know

Did You Know, The Twin

dotQuotes & Questionsdot

You Said It!

You Said It, Twice??

Good Question

More Good Questions

dotOdds & Endsdot

Words Of Wisdom, From Your Uncle Greg

Tips To Keep In Mind

Only in America

Rules Of Ettiquite For Cats

What We Can Learn From Dogs

What We Can Learn From Kids


A Lnik To Links


Please Sign My Guestbook!


Have visited since June 29,1998

Last updated 09-03-99

Ok- I added this mailing list so you can find out when I update my page. I wont send you junk mail or give your e-mail to other people. You will just get an e-mail that says something like "I've updated....on my page". It'll tell you what I updated and when.If I update it twice in one day you will only get the e-mail once. I just thought I'd clear that up.

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