Critique of Late Capitalism - Links


Essential Critique

The essence of Neoliberalism

Pierre Bourdieu, "The Essence of Neoliberalism"

UTOPIA OF ENDLESS EXPLOITATION: Pierre Bourdieu on the essence of neoliberalism (12/1998)

Community Supports

Attac: The home page of conscience citizens who are marching against the devastating force of globalism and in support of the implementation of the Tobin Tax

I.G.C. Internet: Home page for global and local concerns (environment, labor, women, and conflict)

Transforming BUKI (weapons) into GAKKI (musical instruments): From the Official Home Page of Shoukichi Kina & Champloose

Rob Atkins Photography: Rob Atkins, an Activist Photographer, demonstrates humanistic issues that cannot be expressed in words

Patria: Journal of International Cuba Solidarity Organizations

The Cuban Revolution: Dedicated to the brave people who continue to fight for the development of a juster and digner world

New Lanark Conservation Trust: Home of the Owenite Cooperation Community Project

The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research

Indigenous Movements

Native Web: Resources for Indigenous Cultures Around the World

Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional: Created by a small group of thoughtful and committed civil activists in the mountains of south Mexico

Worldwide Zapatista Network: Zapatismo homepage for wider audience

Basque Red Net: Home page for those supporting sovereignty for Basque commual solidarity

Hawai'i - Independent & Sovereign: Home page for those supporting sovereignty for Hawaii

West Papua Home Page: Home page for those seeking freedom for West Papua

Contemporary Okinawa: Comprehensive page that will take you into some of the current problems related to Okinawa

Nobumasa's Okinawa Page: A first person's account of Okinawan history, culture, and politics

Japan's Suppression of Ainu Moshiri: Historical accounts of the Ainu people

The Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture

Independence Movement and Aspirant Peoples: Homepage of the Ainu and Ryukyu Independence Movements

Kanaky Online: independance pour le Peuple de Nouvelle-Caledonie

Leftist Resources

Green Left Weekly: For those who care about earthly issues

Jay's Leftist and Progressive Resources Directory: Lots of links to movements, causes, news sources, etc.

International Socialism Journal Index

Abolition 2000: Global Network to Eliminate Nuclear Weapons

Cultural Logic: An Electric Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice

Marxism Page

The Marxism List

Fabian Society Home Page: Network for the Center-Leftists

Freedom Militia: For International Socialism and the Protection and Promotion of Civil Liberties and Personal Privacy

Bulletin for the Emancipation of Labor: The International Militant Anti-Fascist Network

Thinkers, Writers, and Activists

Anarchist Archives: Introductions to the lives and works of ground-breaking sociocultural critics

Salvador Allende

Fidel Castro

Regis Debray

Mahatma Gandhi

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara

Antonio Gramsci

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Georg Lukacs

Patrice Lumumba

Nelson R. Mandela

Gabriel G. Marquez

Karl Marx

Augusto Sandino

Albert Schweitzer

Emiliano Zapata


World Wide Web Virtual Library - Indigenous Studies

Anthropologists for Social Responsibility: A new organization for ethnographers who care!

Vaturanga Home Page: Home page on research in the Solomon Islands

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