- 08/11/00 16:21:09
Libby Wesselma - 04/04/00 18:07:51
My Email:Libwess1@hotmail.com
City: Effingham
State: Illinois
Country: U.S.A.
Favorite Song: all
They are all great songs and there should be more like it in the world. I liked the first song the best. It really expresses how he felt, and what he saw or might have seen. It was great!
ROBERT LANGLEY - 02/06/00 02:07:19
My Email:roblan@acay.com.au
City: gosford
State: nsw
Country: australia
Favorite Song: when this cruel war is over
eddie - 01/19/00 17:24:03
My Email:edd_watts@ecite.com
City: LaRue
State: Tx
Country: America
Favorite Song: Dixie
awesome web site for retreiving data for the civil war
eddie - 01/19/00 17:22:14
My Email:edd
- 12/13/99 16:32:17
Gloria J. M. - 11/21/99 02:09:45
City: Toledo
State: Ohio
Country: USA
Favorite Song: All Praise to St. Patrick
I love your site. I have been searchin for this particular MIDI for a long time, and also some Gregorian Mass Music. Thank you for having this beautiful music from my childhood.
tom walsh - 09/11/99 12:57:18
Martee Turner - 07/11/99 14:59:40
My Email:mturner201@aol.com
Robert Ralph - 06/10/99 04:04:32
My Email:rralph1@bellsouth.net
City: Louisville
State: Kentucky
Country: USA
Favorite Song: In The Garden
Thanks very much for the beautiful music.
Joe - 06/09/99 19:37:28
My Email:MISDEPART@aol.com
Donny Parker - 05/01/99 04:25:08
My Email:Druzil7@aol.com
City: liberty
State: South Carolina
Country: USA
Favorite Song: battle Hymn of the Republic
I love old war songs, but I can't find the words to Dixie I'm hoping this works.
Lee DeTolve - 04/21/99 18:47:53
My Email:ldetolve@kresanet.org
City: Kalamazoo
State: MI
Cat - 04/20/99 03:18:19
My Email:clsavage@webtv.net
City: LA
State: Ca
Favorite Song: Who can choose?
Jim Kelley - 04/15/99 20:58:08
My Email:ajkelley@owc.net
Jim Kelley - 04/15/99 20:55:24
My Email:ajkelley@owc.net
carolyn chism - 04/08/99 00:04:56
My Email:wechisms@meginc.com
City: Winchester
State: Kentucky
Country: USA
Favorite Song: Dixie
I have ancestors in both sides and we have always been a musical family
Carol - 02/21/99 16:36:56
My Email:snowman@worldpath.net
Have you ever heard the Civil War song-
"Just Before the Battle, Mother"? It is a very pretty song.
Barb - 02/10/99 19:29:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/codfish
My Email:akmntsaf@alaska.net
State: Alaska
Favorite Song: The Vacant Chair
Really enjoyed the midi file of Battle Cry of Freedom! My two teenage sons are Civil War Reenactors. We have at least 8 Civil War soldiers from Pennsylvania in our heritage; 5 from Bradford County, 2 from Sullivan County, 1 from Susquehanna County. The
r regiment of choice is the 141st Penna. Vol. Infantry. Could you e-mail us with the possibility of using "Battle Cry" on my son's Civil War Page? Please feel free to visit his page. It is currently under construction so keep checking back!
Don Bollard - 01/03/99 17:43:41
My Email:johnreb@sound.net
City: Overland Park
State: Kansas
Country: USA
Favorite Song: I'm A Good Ole Rebel
Any other sites like yours? Let me know when you add some new songs. Great idea!
Stone Cold Steve Austin - 12/03/98 22:30:54
State: Texas
Country: US
Favorite Song: All of them
Nathanael - 11/18/98 20:59:01
City: Saskatoon
Country: sask
BILL HODGE - 11/18/98 08:15:19
My Email:cyberservice@clear.net.nz
City: Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Favorite Song: Battle Hymn
Greetings from down under. Great to visit your site, now in my "Favourites" for quick linking. I certainly appreciate sampling a typical American programme of music. Thank you to all who put this sie together. Warmest best wishes. Bill
Caleb - 11/05/98 22:13:07
My URL:(I'll sign again with it soon)
My Email:cipherjr@earthlink.net
State: NY
Country: USA
Favorite Song: Civil War Song: Battle Hymm of the Republic
Thanks Pat! I've been looking all over for Midis of Civil War songs for a project I'm doing in school. Great page! Thanks again!
Reggie Keith - 10/25/98 15:53:20
My URL:http://lausd.k12.ca.us/~rkeith
My Email:rkeith@lausd.k12.ca.us
City: Los Angeles
State: California
Country: USA
Thanks for your great midi files. I'm impressed with your webpages.. and wish you well (and lots of time..) as your sites continue to grow. Again.. Thanks.. big time!!
Art Cheyne - 10/03/98 02:52:07
My Email:SanAntonio@aol.com
City: Los Angeles
State: Ca.
Country: USA
Favorite Song: Lauralee
Just an ole Southern boy
herman bates - 09/07/98 08:52:58
My Email:hmb78@webtv.net
City: briarcliff
State: ny
Country: usa
Favorite Song: dixie
do you have "my country t'is qf thee"
Regis A Nelis - 09/04/98 17:50:36
My Email:Nelisra
City: Wilmerding
State: PA
Country: USA
Favorite Song: Danny Boy