Key Stage 2 Science
Pupils' Record of Achievement/Self Assessment Sheets

These sheets are closely linked with the QCA Exemplar Scheme of Work for Science.

The purpose of the sheets is to support teachers in communicating the objectives of the units to the children and to provide the children with the opportunity to reflect upon their learning and, with some guidance, record their achievements.

Each sheet comprises of a heading, being the title of the QCA Unit, three ordered groups of possible "learning outcomes" (phrased in terms of "I can..." statements) and three simple statements to be completed by the children.

The groups of "learning outcome statements" are slight re-phrasings of those printed in the EXPECTATIONS section found on the front page of each of the QCA units. Each of these sections has statements prefaced by "at the end of this unit most children will...", "some children will not have made so much progress and will..." and "some children will have progressed further and will also..."

In converting these statements to "I can..." statements I have avoided simplifying the science terminology but have, in some cases, altered other non-science vocabulary without, I hope, changing the meaning!

On these pupils' sheets I have also placed the groups of statements in order with the "some children will not have made so much progress and will" first, the "most children will" second and the "some children will have progressed further and will also" last. For obvious reasons, however, these epithets have been left out! Where the identical statement appears in the "some children will not have made so much progress and will" and the "most children will" sections of the QCA Expectations list, I have only included it once, placing it in the first section.

Many thanks to Jenny Clarke for proof reading the sheets.

Click here for an example:

rational and explanation of the sheets

Or click these links to download the sheets as PDF files:
rational and explanation

Year 3 units

Year 4 units

Year 5 units

Year 6 units

I would very much appreciate some feedback on the likely usefulness of such a resource to other practising teachers.
Please contact me if you have any comments at:

I work at Westdale Junior School in Mapperley, a residential area about three miles north of the centre of the City of Nottingham, England.

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