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 Coastal Empire Right To Life  -  C.E.R.T.L. -  Logo.

Abortion Stops a Beating Heart


Who We Are

The Coastal Empire Right to Life (CERTL) is a Savannah, Georgia headquartered coastal area chapter of the Georgia Right to Life Committee, Inc., the state affiliate of the National Right to Life Committee, located in Washington, D. C.

It is a non-profit, non-denominational, entirely unpaid, all volunteer service organization dedicated to restoring respect and legal protection to all human beings from the moment of conception until natural death.

Although our pro-life activities take place principally in Savannah and the surrounding area, we include in our newsletter, Life Lines, and this Web site the news and activities throughout the First Congressional District of Georgia and national news having an effect on pro-life issues.


If interested in helping, we suggest you click on our "How to Help" page on this website. Some LIFE agencies that could use aid are listed on the "Classified Ads" page. Click on the "Other Pro-Life News" for info on how presidential candidates stand on pro-life and others news. Also, check out our "State and Local News" page and send us, via letter or e-mail, news that affects LIFE issues, especially from your area of the First Congressional District of Georgia.

Editorial: A "blip" or an alarm bell for the GOP?

We have an strong opinion that Senator Bob Smith (R-NH), a stalwart pro-life supporter, leaving the Republican Party ought to ring an alarm bell for the GOP. Instead, many of those claiming to be GOP "pro-lifers" are saying it won't matter, "it's just a "blip." Who are they kidding? Like it or not, Senator Smith will provide a rallying point for the grassroot pro-lifers who resent the wishy-washy statements about pro-life issues coming out of Republican leadership. This writer's opinion says that the resentment will be aggravated by selecting as a vice-presidential GOP nominee one of these so-called "pro-life" politicians such as campaigned for the re-election of pro-abortion Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R-NJ); for example, Rep. John Kiesak(ph) (R-OH) or Gov. John Engler (R-Michigan). The pro-life crowd seems to be fed-up with GOP weakness and appointments of pro-abortion Supreme Court justices such as David Suitor(ph). No, Jim Nicholson of the RNC, that's not a blip, it's a fire alarm bell that is clanging.

One Writer's Opinion!

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