2002 Reunion Report

TMI Building 24kb

Dear TMI Alumni and Friends:

May 20, 2002


Dear TMI Alumni and Friends:

Another reunion has come and gone. We were well attended by classmates, spouses, and guests. A special thank you goes to the reunion committee of Don Henderson, Harry Lillard and Jim Disney. They were responsible for making nametags, hotel and food arrangements and then following up on the plans. Don was the leader of this group and as always did a great job.

Thanks to Bill Jennings for his email and webpage services. Please remember to keep Bill posted of any email address changes. His email address is bjennings@sprynet.com. You can check his webpage at www.geocities.com/tmi-alumni for information on classmates and events.

Bob Gonia led us in a Sunday morning service. We remembered those no longer with us and noted especially the deaths since our last gathering.

We enjoyed having Peggy Ausmus Blankenship and her husband Bill as guests. They are always welcome at TMI functions.

Jake Word and his wife, Gail, had planned to attend but could not due to family illness. Jake is a regular at these events. We missed having them.

There was mention of another large reunion in the next year or two. As we get into 2003 these plans may develop or our ’46 to ‘52 class year groups may want to plan something. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I enjoyed seeing everyone again.


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