I never expected to like Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Honest. It was a cruel trick of fate, instigated when my local Fox network starting showing DS9 re-runs in place of their previously scheduled Star Trek: The Next Generation re-runs. I started watching, and suddenly...I was hooked! Watching the show was one thing, but even I couldn't be prepared for what happened next: I saw my first episode with Gul Dukat. It didn't take long before I realized that I had to create:

The 'Gul Dukat is Okay' Homepage


First of all, anyone with half a brain can see that Gul Dukat is simply misunderstood. What was he to do? He was brought up in Cardassian society, and we are all unfortunately products of our society. Just as we American children grow up to be shallow, tv-crazed capitalists, so do Cardassian children grow up to be evil, planet-occupying tyrants.

Besides, what was really so wrong with the occupation anyway, aside from the enslavement and persecution? Gul Dukat believed himself to be bettering the Bajoran people, and they seem better to me. The Bajorans got rid of the caste system, plus they proved that a people can be religious and militaristic (while still keeping those two things seperate from each other). Gul Dukat was a great benefit to the Bajoran people and truly became a father to their people, thanks to all the bastard children he helped father during the occupation.

Speaking of fatherhood, what further proof of Gul Dukat's kindness do you need other than his relationship with his daughter? Once he got over wanting to kill her, they developed a deep and meaningful relationship that any other average tyrant would be envious of. Gul Dukat's humanity(?) and vulnerability were also demonstrated in that one episode where the crew went back in time...oh wait, as that could be any number of episodes, I'll move on...

Charisma, Charisma, Charisma!

Wow! Anyone can be evil, but not just anyone can do it with style. While many other Cardassians seem to have personality disorders, Dukat remains cool, charming, and ever-witty. To prove it, I'd add a 'Quotable Dukat' section, but I don't think many readers out there would be able to handle that much charisma and wiliness in one space.

That Kira Thing

So what is her problem anyway? Instead of being properly flattered that Gul Dukat is obviously hot for her, she retains her normal uppity manners and mouthing-offness. It's been demonstrated many times that Gul Dukat is sorry about all the bad things (which weren't really his fault - see above)that he was responsible for. If Kira was as pious as she claimed to be, she would have forgiven him long ago. She could have been the one to turn him away from his societally-induced evilness. But no. While he pays compliments to changes in her hair style, she just continues to berate him.

Gul Dukat vs. That Other Regular Cardassian

Okay, I like Garak. He has his witty moments, undoubtedly gained by listening to Gul Dukat over the years. But c'mon, there's really no comparison. The 'mysteriousness' of Garak got old real fast, whereas there was never any question about where Gul Dukat stood. He would never skulk behind a tailor's shop, and if the two of them got in a fight, I know for a fact who would win.

Hare Krishna, Hare Dukat

Frankly, the religious leader role was a natural progression for Gul Dukat as far as I'm concerned. With his leadership capabilities and rugged good looks, culthood was just around the corner. Of course, Kira had to go muck things up by exposing yet another Dukat-sired child, but I have no doubt Gul Dukat will quickly assemble other followers. So long as he's communing with evil prophets, things can't help but stay interesting...

More to come as time goes on...

Last Updated: December 1, 1998