My Career

Okay, about my job. I am a Firefighter/Paramedic for Henrico County, which is just outside of Richmond, Virginia. I have been employed there since January 4, 1993, and I love every minute of it. Where else can you work ten days a month, sleep while you work, and get paid for doing all this? Well, we don't always get to sleep at night, but I'm not complaining. Sure, we go on some bad calls, but those things are an andrenaline rush few people get to experience. I know you will think I'm crazy, but, that's okay.

I started my career at Station 8, or commonly known as "The Bad Bottom," where I spent my first 7 1/2 years. We were relatively busy, so we ran a fair number of calls. In 2000, I transferred to Station 12 on West End Drive, where I rode the engine, ladder truck, and air utility vehicle. This was another busy station, so we spent a lot of time running up and down the road.

Then, in 2003, I asked to transfer to Station 6 in the East End. I was going through my paramedic class, and since they have an ambulance, and had an opening, I wanted to go there and get some good EMS experience. It was a good station to work, and a great group of guys to work with. However, that didn't last long, as I was transferred to Station 14 in January 2005. We are a slow company, so we get to sleep most of the time. I guess its not bad going from three busy stations to a slow station. It helps me catch up on my much needed beauty rest *lol*.

People always ask me, "how did you get the name Shortbus?" Well, it is a nickname I got from a fellow co-worker. You have to understand firefighters, we can be a weird bunch. We joke around 24 hours a day and nothing, and I mean NOTHING is sacred. One day, Mr. Berryhill was talking to me and he says, "PP, I bet you rode the shortbus to school when you were a kid." The name stuck with me and I've used it ever since. I don't get called Shortbus a whole lot anymore, since Charlie retired, but I get called a bunch of other names. You just have to accept all the joking, because, if you don't, you won't make it. Never tell your co-workers what you don't like, because, as soon as you do, that will be the content of the joking.

We respond to just any type of call you can imagine. We go to house fires; car fires; vehicle accidents; shootings; stabbings; medical complaints, ie. chest pain, difficulty breathing, broken arms, good stuff like that. I became a Nationally Registered EMT-Paramedic in 2004, so I am practicing ALS (Advanced Life Support) skills for the county and doing my best not to kill anyone *lol*.

I went through a year long paramedic class at the Medical College of Virginia (MCV), which included over 550 hours in the classroom and 240 hours on an ambulance and another 240 hours in different places within the hospital. This included time in the Emergency Room, Coronary Care ICU, the Burn Center, Neuroscience ICU, Labor and Delivery, Psychiatric floor, and many other areas. It was a great opportunity to learn skills in one of the best hospitals in America.

I have always wanted to join the Harzardous Materials Team, but the more days that go by, that chance just seems to be slipping. I am on the Division of Fire Bike Team, which provides EMS care at large events in the county; such as the NASCAR races, the state fair, and horse races. And, I am also a member of the Division of Fire Honor Guard.

I was a volunteer firefighter for Chesterfield County from 1989-1993, where I first learned how to be a firefighter. I served at Station 11 during that time, and worked with a great group of volunteers and paid guys. I am also a life member with the Bensley-Bermuda Volunteer Rescue Squad, which I joined in January 1993. I served in many capacities, including Squad Leader, Sub-station Captain, Supply Officer, Day Operations Officer, Finance Committee member, and on the Vehicle Committee. I enjoy my job and volunteering with the rescue squad, as each have helped me become the person I am.

Get ready, these are

Okay, here are some pics from my brief career.

My first fire ever!
More of that fire
One more

This is the first station I worked at, Station 8, "The Bad Bottom"

This is George, Brent, Me, and Vern

This is one way to ventilate a building

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