蔡 叔 翹 法國巴黎南大學冶金及材料科學博士



男 未婚 生 日:民國 53 年 9 月 4 日

地 址:臺南市700金華路2段100巷8-2號3樓 Tel:(06) 2617418

個人網頁:http://www.geocities.com/achiao/ E-mail : achiao@yahoo.com

學 歷

民國85年 5月:法國巴黎南大學材料科學研究所冶金及材料科學博士


民國82年 6月:法國核子科學與技術研究所取得攻讀博士論文證書(D.E.A)

民國80年 9月:考取中法科技交流獎學金赴法

民國77年 6月:國立清華大學核子工程研究所碩士畢業


民國75年 6月:國立清華大學核子工程學系學士畢業

民國71年 6月:省立臺南第一高級中學畢業

專 長 背 景


外 國 語 言法語及英語(讀,說,寫)

曾 開 授 課 程



可 開 授 課 程

語言課程: 法語教學、英語教學、或「翻譯」相關課程



發 展 方 向



工 作 簡 歷







進 修 與 實 習




學 校 社 團 經 驗


民國73及74年:清華大學社會服務隊 : 政令宣導、家庭訪視、課業輔導



休 閒 活 動



發 表 文 章

** S.C. TSAI, A.M. HUNTZ, and C. DOLIN, " Growth mechanism of Cr2O3 scales : oxygen and chromium diffusion, oxidation kinetics and effect of yttrium " in Journal of Materials Sciences and Engineering A : MSA212/1, p.6, 15 July 1996,

** S.C. TSAI, A.M. HUNTZ, C. DOLIN and C. MONTY, " Study by SIMS of the 54Cr and 18O diffusion in Cr2O3 and in Cr2O3 scales " published in Journal of Mikrochemica Acta : vol.13, 587, 1996.

** S.C. TSAI, A.M. HUNTZ and C.DOLIN, " Diffusion of 18O in massive Cr2O3 and Cr2O3 scales at 900oC and relation with oxidation kinetics " in Journal of Oxidation of Metals : vol. 43, p.581, 1995.

** S.C. TSAI, A.M. HUNTZ and C. DOLIN, " Diffusion of 18O in Cr2O3 : massive and scales and relation with oxidation kinetics " in Journal of Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids : vol. 137, p.285, 1995.

** A.M. HUNTZ and S.C. TSAI, " Diffusion in oxide scales : application to scales " in Journal of Materials Science letters : vol.13, p.821, 1994.

** S.S. HSU, S.C. TSAI, J.J. KAI and C.H. TSAI, " SCC behavior and anodic dissolution of Inconel 600 in low concentration thiosulfate " in Journal of Nuclear Materials : no184, p. 97, 1991.

** A.M. HUNTZ, J. BALMAIN, S.C. TSAI, K. MESSAOUDI, M.K. LOUDJANI, B. LESAGE and J. LI, " On the possibilities of diffusion studies in oxides scales grown on alloys " submitted to Journal of Scripta Materialia.

會 議 文 章 (經審稿後發表于國際期刊)

** S.C. TSAI, A.M. HUNTZ and J. PHILIBERT, " Diffusion of 54Cr and 18O in Cr2O3 scales and Growth mechanism " in Journal of Defect and Diffusion Forum: vol.143-147, p.1195, 1997

** A.M. HUNTZ, S.C. TSAI, J. BALMAIN, K. MESSAOUDI, B. LESAGE and C. DOLIN, " Atomic Transport in Cr2O3 and Al2O3 scales : Growth mechanismand Effect of yttrium " in Material Science Forum Vols. 251-254 (1997), p.313. ( Oral presentation by Prof. HUNTZ in the 4th International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials in Les Embiez, France, May 1996)

參 加 會 議

** Aug. 1996:Poster presentation in English on " Diffusion of 54Cr and 18O in scales and growth mechanism " in the International Conference on Diffusion in Materials, in Nordkirchen, Germany.

** June 1996:Poster presentation in French on " Study of yttrium effect on the coefficients of 18O and 54Cr in scales by SIMS " in the first symposium of the French Society of Micro-scopies in Rennes, France.

** May 1995:Poster presentation in English on " Diffusivities of 54Cr and 18O studied by SIMS in massive Cr2O3 and in Cr2O3 scales " in the 4th European workshop on Mondern Development and Application in Microbeam Analysis in St.Malo, France.

** May 1995:Oral presentation in English on " Oxygen diffusion in massive Cr2O3 and in Cr2O3 scales studied by SIMS and relation with oxidation kinetics : the effect of yttrium in Cr2O3 scales " in 1995 Beijing International Conference for Surface Science and Engineering, R.P.China.

** Feb. 1995:Poster presentation in French on " Study of growth mechanism of Cr2O3 scales by SIMS " in the symposium of Ionic Analysis in Paris, France.

** July 1994:Poster presentation in English on " Diffusion of 18O in Cr2O3 : massive and scales and relation with oxidation kinetics " in the 7th Europhysical Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials in Lyon, France.

** May 1994:Oral presentation in French on " Diffusion in Cr2O3 oxide and Oxidation " in the 25th symposium of the heterogeneous kinetics in Limoges, France.

** May 1988:Oral presentation in Chinese on " The electrochemical behavior and stress corrosion cracking susceptibility of Inconel 600 in thiosulfate and tetrathionate solution " in the annual conference of the Chinese Society for Materials Science in Kaohsing, Taiwan, R.O.C.