Article I

This Association shall be called the 18 Hole Women’s Golf Association. The objectives of the Association shall be:

1. To organize and promote a full golfing schedule for women at the Walla Walla Country Club.

2. To maintain the financial needs of the program.

Article II Membership

Any women who is, or is the spouse of, a "Regular, Special, Non-Resident Golf & Tennis, or Company" Member of the Walla Walla Country Club, and has an established golf handicap, is eligible to belong to the 18 Hole Women’s Golf Association. Membership is granted upon payment of Association dues.

Associate (non-voting) membership is available for daughters meeting handicap and WWCC eligibility regulations. Associate members 18 years of age or older may compete in all Association events. Associate members 17 years of age or younger may not compete in interclub events. Dues are one-half regular Association dues.

Honorary membership will be granted to any woman who has been a paid member of this association for a minimum of 20 years and has reached the age of 85.  An honorary member will not be required to pay dues but will have full voting privileges.

Membership in the Association is required to play in any 18 hole ladies competition and the Wine Cup. Any regular member lady golfer may join the 18 Hole Golf Association or Club 9, but may not play or compete in both at the same time.

Article III Officers

The board of control shall consist of seven members, to be elected at a general membership meeting; six to be elected from the 18 hole membership and the trustee making the seventh. They are to serve terms of three years. The Washington State Trustee as a member of the Board, shall be elected by the Association at the annual meeting for a three year term.

At the discretion of the Board the immediate past president may be invited to remain on the Board, in an advisory position for one additional year.

The president of the women’s division may serve as an honorary member of the Board.

Officers shall be: Chairman, Tournament Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers are elected by the Board from the membership of the Board.


The control and management of this Association and its affairs and property shall be entrusted to the Board.

The Board shall hold regular monthly meetings, with full reports from committees given at each meeting.


Unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the Board, the annual contribution shall be payable on the opening day of golf in March of each year.

Women’s 18 Hole Golf Association annual dues must be paid before a member is eligible to compete.

Any competition play requires:

1. A minimum of two (2) 18 hole golf members belonging to the Walla Walla Country Club’s Women’s Golf Association.

2. Fees paid for Thursday competition to be paid before play and non-refundable.


The final meeting and election of officers shall be held on the last scheduled day of organized play in October, the new Board to assume duties immediately.

Notice of the annual meeting shall be published not less than 14 days prior to date of meeting.

Members shall hold office for 3 years, 2 members of the Board being replaced each year.



1. Chairman of Women’s Golf Association shall preside at meetings of the Association and of Board meetings.

2. The Chairman shall appoint such special or regular committees as she shall deem advisable. The acts of every committee shall be subject to the approval by the governing committee.

3. The Chairman shall appoint a member to fill any unexpired terms on the Board.


1. She shall be responsible for all golf competition for the Association.

2. In the absence of the Chairman, the Tournament Chairman shall perform the duties of the Chairman.


1. The Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the Board. She shall keep a roll of members and take charge of all correspondence and papers belonging to the Association and a full record of all contests held under the auspices of the Association. She shall also make a written report at the annual meeting or at any time at the request of the Chairman.


1. She shall collect all monies due the Association and disburse the same under the direction of the Chairman. She shall report in writing the state of finances when required by the Chairman and at the annual meeting present a written report showing all receipts and disbursements during the year. Shall assist the Chairman in preparing the budget for the year, prior to the opening day of each golf season.


1. Chairman of all committees for 18 hole tournaments, rules, prizes and etc., shall make complete written reports and file with Secretary at the annual meeting.


The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting, provided notice of such amendment shall have been given at a previous regular meeting.



Article I

The following order of business shall be observed at the annual meeting of this Association:

a. Call to order

b. Reading of minutes of previous meeting

c. Chairman’s Report

d. Secretary’s report

e. Treasurer’s report

f. Committee business

g. New business

h. Award of trophies

i. Election of new Board members

j. Adjournment


Article II Tournaments

1. All competitions held under the jurisdiction of this Association shall be played in accordance with the Rules of the Game of Golf as approved by the United States Golf Association and with such special and other rules as the Association may adopt.

2. The Board shall make all decisions regarding tournament play based on recommendations from the tournament chair and her committees.

3. A handicap match which ends all even should be played off hole by hole until one side wins a hole. The play off should start on the hole where the match began. Strokes should be allowed as in the prescribed round.