



Press Gang



Ask Steve!

About Me

E-mail me

Hello and welcome to my little sanctum sanctorum on the net. My name is Steve Darlington, or Steve D for short. The primary purpose of this page is to collect and display the various things I have written. If you find them worthy of comment, drop me an email

NOTE: Things are (on October 2003) in a bit of disarray right now as I am working on a new website or two. The Ask Steve files are down, as are some other sections. I expect the new site to be up by the end of the year.

Latest News:

[30-6-03] - Cartoon Action Hour link fixed. Sorry about that.

[2-6-03] - More Oliver. Photography by Steve Darlington. I do weddings, parties, christenings...

[1-6-03] - Well, I'm back. Hoo boy. Lotsa stories coming on D-Tours. My work in Cartoon Action Hour is now available in all good gaming stores. Also, I now have a nephew called Oliver. He may or not be the inspiration for a new Ask Steve. Got all that?

[21-3-03] - I ROCK. Also, I'm off to Prague! Will be back in Oz in May. Hordes of screaming girls at the airport would be appreciated.

[28-2-03] - I spoke too soon. Two more reviews on the RPG page. I had a busy month. Also, some thoughts about the world today. Maybe I should get a blog. Maybe I should get a life...

[10-2-03] - Not one, not two, but three new reviews on the RPG page, and an update on my bio. Updates will probably slow from now on though, as Project Pantheon consumes all my time.

[17-1-03] - Back in Blighty and working on my first paid writing project - go me! And my report from GenCon US is finally up, in the new issue of PTGPTB

[3-12-02] - Back from the land of Moomins, about to go to the land of Miffy. Another new review on the RPG page. And big things are happening - more soon.

[15-10-02] - All my prayers, hugs and condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the bombing on Bali. My reactions are examined in something I wrote about shadows.

[2-10-02] - And the fun don't done: a new review on the RPG page and new fiction on the Fiction page. Or is it the other way around...

[25-9-02] - America was amazing. Check D-Tours for all the skinny. Meanwhile, lots of new updates! My second Buffy retrospective is up on Fandomlife.net, covering series four this time. And I have another article in the new issue of PTGPTB, on how to run Star Wars games. And finally, I'm taking a few tentative steps into the world of one of my favourite mediums: comic strips. Lots more to come on that, but in the meantime, have a read of Angel Cakes and let me know what you think!

[11-6-02] - Two new reviews up on RPGNet - check the RPG page for the links. Off on the road again soon so probably no more updates for a few months. Read D-Tours to catch all the action!

[17-5-02] - You thought Ask Steve was dead? You were right! But now it is back from the dead! And covered in mould and fungus! Yes, FUNGUS! Also, why hot pink is evil.

[13-5-02] - Hmm, been a while, hasn't it? But two updates for you: the first of my two Buffy retrospectives is up on Fandomlife.net and the new issue of PTGPTB features a piece by me.

[23-2-02] - Futureweb address shut down. Plane to London departs ten past midnight. Confidence departs not long before.

[17-1-02] - Once again, more silliness on Ask Steve. Warning: contains kitties.

[16-1-02] - Issue 20 of PTGPTG is up, my last as editor. It contains a few final remarks. Meanwhile, I've already started working for the opposition, with a well-thought-out, even-tempered, extremely rational look at Fan Fiction over on Fandomlife.net Warning: contains the word 'ass-rape'. Twice.

[16-12-01] - My review of Amber is up on RPGNet, and more fun stuff on Ask Steve.

[24-11-01] - Ask Steve updated again. If I keep up this pace, I'll stop announcing each new installment here.

[19-11-01] - Thomas, much loved, revered and causing of puzzlement, scratched his last today against the dying of the light. I feel like taking a cricket bat and smashing every car windscreen in my street. Just to make a point, you know. Just to make a point.

[5-11-01] - Ask Steve updated again. Drama! Pathos! Okapis!

[15-10-01] - Ask Steve gets less funny and more stupid, but plumbs an true enigma of the modern age: just what IS Grimace supposed to be anyway?

[19-9-01] - Mr Steven Darlington presents For Your Amusement Australian Foreign Policy, An Historic and Humorous Play in One Act. Tea will be served in the vestibule afterwards.

[18-9-01] - The hero of two of my earlier stories pops up once again to lend A Helping Hand. Is three enough to call it a series? Well, expect to hear more of his exploits in the future.

[8-9-01] - My review of FVLMINATA is up on RPGNet, and received a bit of acclaim. Possibly another coming; in the meantime, scratching down some notes for a variety of stories, including (finally) a Xander piece. Watch this space.

[15-8-01] - My review of Brawl is up on RPGNet. More reviews coming soon, I hope.

[12-8-01] - More funny stuff on Ask Steve. Yeah, so it's not hilarious - so sue me. Yeah, I'll write some more Xander stuff soon, I promise.

[11-8-01] - Defence Systems, something I wrote for PTGPTB has also appeared on RPGNet, and again, people seem to like it. Huzzah.

[3-8-01] - I've decided to follow in the footsteps of the great Paul Mather and Dave Barry and have a crack at being amusing. The Ask Steve page becomes a collection of humorous rantings on a variety of topics. I hope to keep it coming out weekly. Enjoy!

[21-6-01] - Heroes and Villains alike find themselves Breathless when they view these two new fictional pieces. I'm a busy boy.

[11-6-01] - Another original fiction piece added - "The Mage". Do you know what your children are?

[1-6-01] - These look like big, strong hands, don't they? But they couldn't hold on to an old, old friend when his time came. The stars are not wanted now, put out every one. And sing only sad songs, and speak his name in whispers.

[19-5-01] - Buffy done. Thank you, and good night.

[21-4-01] - The Buffy fiction is totally finished and is now only awaiting the auspices of my editor. So if you're impatient, mail Murray and tell him to hurry up and edit it! :)

[1-4-01] - Panic in the streets. The Buffy fiction begins to go up, linked off the fiction page. Now I really have to finish the darn thing.

[31-3-01] - Renovated the fiction page to include fan fiction as well. To kick it off, a Star Wars piece goes up.

[22-2-01] - My TMNT review is up on RPGNet, and people seem to really like it. It's also been added to the RPG page

[3-2-01] - Fiction section is up! All hail and rejoice! D-Constructions is officially 100% operational!

[29-1-01] - Everyone check out www.edison.bored.org for all the info on Edison, the rockingest new band in all of Brisbane. And you can check out Simon and Justin's tuneful crooning for yourself every Thursday night at the Normanby Hotel, around 8.30pm. Good stuff.

[29-1-01] - Aren't I a busy beaver - About Me section up.

[28-1-01] - Finally got around to adding the Press Gang page and the Ask Steve page. Fiction and About Me still to come.

[1-1-01] - New site set up. Oooh, it's yellow!