• Aces Claim Second Title

    Roux became only the second person to claim two CBFGL titles with his Championship Round win over The Large Talons.

    The Aces-in-the-Hole defeated The Large Talons, 862,319-597,836, despite a game effort from the Talons, who closed the gap again in the final week of the three-week series.

    Tiger Woods provided the Aces with a second strong performance in three weeks to lead the team to victory.

    Roux last claimed the title in 1999.

    JB is the only other two-time CBFGL champion, claiming back-to-back crowns in 2002 and 2003.

    Thanks for another great season.

  • CBFGL Championship Series

    The Large Talons vs. Aces-in-the-Hole

  • CBFGL Champions

    2005 -- Ryan Roux (Aces-in-the-Hole)
    2004 -- Will Peavey (The Divot Heads)
    2003 -- Jason Bourg (The Plaid Pants)
    2002 -- Jason Bourg (The Plaid Pants)
    2001 -- Danny Winchester (The Hard Six)
    2000 -- Joel Edwards (Par Boyz)
    1999 -- Ryan Roux (Aces-in-the-Hole)
    1998 -- Kevin Raner (Bert's Chili Dippers)

Cow Balls Fantasy Golf League Poll Question
Which is your favorite major?

The Masters
The U.S. Open
The British Open
The PGA Championship

Team               Record    Money    Streak
D. Faced Gremlins   15-6  $6,758,312    W3 
Divot Heads         12-9  $9,609,882    L1
Aces-in-the-Hole    11-10 $6,678,258    W2
The Large Talons    11-10 $6,349,151    W2
The Levetators      10-11 $6,409,126    L3
Plaid Pants         10-11 $8,451,561    L2
Hard Six            8-13  $5,223,406    W1
B.s Chili Dippers   7-14  $4,185,495    L3

  • Click on the link for the, 2004 PGA Final Money List.
  • Click on the link for the, 2005 PGA Tour Schedule.
  • Think Phil is overrated?
    Is the Fiji surprise past his prime?
    Does Jesper swing for the other team?
    Then click here to post your smack talk

    Other Useful Info

    • Rules and regulations are posted in the News section.
    • Click here for the league schedule.
    • For adds/drops or any other transactions, post your requests on the message board or send info to Jim .

    Ingenious Concepts, a division of CLG Kennel Enterprises.
    Last updated, August 15, 2005.