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CNBC CNN Money Steve Roach StockCharts Lists StockWERLD The STREET Tech(i) Trending123 Urban Survival Mises.rog VTO, 4
56 Hill
Alabe - Astro Time Patterns Astrology-x-files
Maya Astro Pyramid Timescale Earth Resonance JustGoodTiming,
Fibonacci Analysis: Atlantis:
Links for 2012 13-Baktun Cycle Wave of History : Arguelles' diagram of the 260 Katuns of the Great Cycle. Audrey's Ancient Egypt :Audrey Fletcher has decoded the Egyptian Narmer palette & worked out that the Age of Aquarius starts in 2012 Aztec and Mayan Astrology: The lunar eclipse on June 4 2012 which will set off the coast of Mexico, is followed 2 days later by the Venus Transit. Could Maya Venus myths be behind the end of the 13-baktun cycle? Cassiopaea : (see esp. the Wave) Coming Into Range:Checking The Pulse of 2012: by Ashblack, creator of the legendary
: Portal for 7 websites: Mind Maps Portal; Novelty Wave 2012; Sacred Self;
Ordo Omega Occidentis; New Paradigm News; Cosmic Trickster; Omega Point
Journal. Cosmic Stargate: Steven Hanauer's overview of cataclysm & transformation at the end of the Long Count calendar Cosmic Stargate part 2
Crawford 2000 : Updated
Frequently : This page has astrological diagrams of planetary conjunctions at the total solar eclipse on 13th November 2012. Eclipses & Venus Transit in 2012 : A page on an eclipse site, with predictions of track & appearance of eclipses & Venus transit in 2012 Eclipses in 2012 : Homepage of NASA eclipse site. There will be 2 lunar & 2 solar eclipses in 2012. Details here Morgana's Observatory - Titan Saturn
Omega Point Institute:
(mirror). OrinDaben : How to deal with coming effects of the Shift; Light Body Activation Solar Physics Slideshow: NASA has a slideshow about the ancient solar alignments - this one shows the Aztec sunstone superimposed onto the Sun's corona. Surfing the Apocalypse : A nice collection of 2012 and Maya links The Transition
Kris Haahs - |