I decided I should dedicate a part of my site to me, since I am the man that created it! I am fairly simple at the core. I am a conservative guy, with traditional values, but I like to go out and have fun too. This is what has been happening lately;

March, 2005

Sorry it has been sooo long since I updated my site. I am a very busy man these days, I guess I am in just in high demand. I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas, and I hope that all of you also have a wonderful New Year.

Where to begin with all that has happened in the last year. Brittany graduated from 8th grade @ Holy Cross Luthern School, and was accepted to Trinity Academy, a christian college prep school. She is doing well, she played volleyball again this year also. They did not do as good as last year, but it was a relief to see even though they struggled (most everyone had never played together before), they still had a lot of fun playing the game. She has also expressed her interest in joining the swim team this year. That is the same school that sent Caroline Bruce to the Olympics this past year. But that idea was dashed with her knee problems, and also that she has been struggling in school. But, her teachers and administrators are working with us, and we will get them back up before long.

This past summer was very busy as well. It seemed like we were always doing something urgently. Britt went to just one horse camp this time, and I spent most of my time catching up to the damage from the several tornado and hail storms. It is spring again, and I hope that my rookie year will not be repeated. I have a mobile office set up in my company car, so I will be spending most of my time out of the office in the field, practicing my golf swi.....I mean, keeping up with my claim files.

I also plan on building again, but I am not sure when I will start. That last house almost killed me, so I am having to work extra hard to get going again, but I am almost there. I keep thinking of a date when I will start building again, then after a month I have to push it back again for one reason or another, but I know it won't be too long. I have decided not to rush it though, and I will start when I am ready. I hope to strat by September at the latest, so I can have the outside of the house done before it gets too cold in the winter, and I can work on the inside. We will see. It will be difficult, because of season tickets!!!


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