PolyGram review


Would be the end for Cure? nobody confirms, but the LP name, Disintegration, is a strong characteristic. Perhaps that, the disc sounds as one of the best things than Cure already did, rescuing the underground climates phase, composed by the trilogy Faith, Seventeen Seconds and Pornography, bringing a more inspired Robert Smith than never in introspective lyrics and highly inspired musicians. In summary, a Cure that the fans adore.
Starting from "Plainsong" until the last song, untitled, Cure parades a kaleidoscope of indefinite colors, long arrangements, gloomy climates, with a restrained fury. For that, the group still counted with an extra musician, the keyboarder Roger O'Donnell, that understood the direction musical proposal. A disc synthesis is the first single, Lullaby, where, through Smith's characteristic whispering vocal, is narrated/tuned a lullaby formed through the singer's deepest nightmares.
Therefore, The Cure's eleventh LP, Disintegration, can scare the most recent fans, that will be conquered slowly, and it will cause delight to the followerses fans that was a long time waiting for something like that LP. For the other people, perhaps the last better chance of knowing one of the most influential and important groups of the eighties. All we wanted that they continue one decade more.
(Tom Lećo - june/89)

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