"Sure, it's a pack of lies... but its a creative, well thought-out pack of lies..."

Team S&M Disinformation Scenarios

A time-honored tradition with the boys, always played out upon the innocent. They may be ridiculously elaborate, with countless man-hours dedicated to the conception, research, and execution of the scam, or an impromptu, extemporaneous reaction to a set of opportune circumstances.

In traditional military/CIA-speak, a disinformation scenario is designed to misdirect an unsuspecting target, either to conceal covert operations, or to elicit a desired response.

For Team S&M, however, the goals are substantially more innocuous. For them, it's free form perfomance art, the key elements being beer, Team S&M members, and mentally disadvantaged locals. The boys receive their greatest reward in seeing the stunned, confused looks on the faces of their selected human subjects. The knowledge that their exploits will go down in local lore and legend adds to the deep satisfaction experienced by participating members.

It must be emphasized here that Team S&M is equipped with a dizzying array of military equipment, sub-miniature communication devices, official uniforms and identification, which provides a believable backdrop to the operation. Often employed are bogus maps, radio dispatches, and satellite downloads. In general, the intent is to convince the locals that something much larger than the men standing in front of them is afoot in their sleepy little town.

Some notable examples:

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