"...Think of it as the World's Fastest Recliner"

Night Death



You are with your fellow Team S&M brethren, enjoying a typical evening of adventure planning and miscellaneous jocularity. Outside, the weather is hovering around 28 degrees farenheit. It's been 2 hours since you all arrived at Team Headquarters by motorcycle, and so far, the 4 of you have consumed a grand total of 53 Coors Lights, 1 fifth of Canadian Club, and another fifth of Tanqueray Gin... and a 12 day-old package of Jack in The Box Bleu Cheese Dressing (for nourishment). Needless to say, you are all in a somewhat physically compromised condition. As a matter of fact, it would be hazardous for you to end the evening and return to your respective homes. Thus, you are required you to find a suitable activity that takes into account your current physical state. Thankfully, there is an ideal solution: You can all sit down, relax, and... Careen Your Bikes Through Pitch-Black, Unfamiliar Canyon Roads at Ridiculous Speeds Until You Pass Out!!!


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