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CeeJay7  (all about Jeep's)
John's  Jeep,  Amateur Radio,  and Genealogy Pages

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The Toughest 4-Letter word on Wheels

If you own a Jeep you have to learn the Rules 

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The History of
My Jeep Family

     In 1996 I bought my first Jeep, a 1979 CJ7. It was my first Jeep but I had always wanted one and it didn't take me long once warm weather hit to take off the plow and lights and the hard top , and put on the soft top. My wife loved the open ride so much that she bought a Pontiac Sunbird convertible before summer was over, but it just wasn't the same as riding in the Jeep. The compact car and the aerodynamic windshield made all the air go over head and you couldn't enjoy the wind in your face and the cans and papers blowing out of the car, and not as many people waved. So we traded off the Sunbird before fall turned to winter, for a 1990 Jeep Wrangler for my wife. She loves it and won't get rid of it unless I buy Her a newer one which will probably be sooner than I think. 

     After my wife got her Jeep my Brother said that he had always wanted a Jeep and he really liked ours, and one day not long after that conversation he told me that he had a line on a 1984 CJ7 and we went and took a look at it but I already knew by the way he looked at that Jeep it was his, even if he didn't know it. By the end of the week sure enough it was his.

     After a lot of rides in Mom and Dad's Jeeps for two summers we had another Jeep owner, it was just a matter of time. I could tell by the way she always asked if she could come along for a ride ( I think it was more like stowing away cause she always had her hat on and was in the back seat before she asked if she could go along) Within a year my Daughter had graduated from High school moved into a career change and Bought her 1st Jeep, a 1991 Jeep Wrangler.

       My son is anxiously awaiting his 16th birthday with plans of owning his own Jeep , even though that's a couple of years away yet.
     Though it may seem like they are , my whole family isn't "Proud Jeep Owners". I have some sisters  and another brother and another daughter that are just happy to ride in them once in awhile. Even my Mother in Law rode in my Jeep with the top down and no doors on , (although she held onto the Oh My God Bar by the glove box the whole time .)

Stop back again as I will be adding more info and Pictures.
I am in the process of changing engines from 304 v8 to 360 v8 and doing body work for a paint project.

            Click on the links below to view full-size picture

                  My CJ7              1979 CJ7
                      Wife's Jeep         1990 Wrangler
                    Brother's Jeep       1984 CJ7
                   Daughter's Jeep    1991 Wrangler

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