The alan Miähet Saga
Ever since the first men set their feet on finnish soil they have been keen to take an occasional sip of some intoxicant and then engage in a number of athletic frolics such as wrestling, club fighting, and later team games such as cyyccae, curra etc. These activities were sometimes dangerous and even violent but they fascinated these bold men all the same. After a long day of sports and spirits they retired into a sauna to celebrate their victory or to gather their anger for the next time... and of course to drink a lot of sahti.

Alan Miähet All sports Club and Boozing Society was founded in 1995 in Halikko, the intellectual centre of Finland, to preserve and further the ancient manly habits of drinking and sports. These athletic individuals who have been granted the honour to call themselves ALAN MIÄS bear the name with pride and are known for their stamina and ability to tolerate huge amounts of alcohol. They have established their name in the very top of finnish Athletic clubs and the wide range of sports which they master is envied even internationally.

Alan Miähet has a sub-society founded by its academic members in 1996. This sub-society, Akateemiset Alan Miähet, was founded by those brave souls who rejected the lures of high wages, a job and a career. They, who rejected big fucking television, washing machines, cars, compact disk players and electrical tin openers. They chose DIY and they wonder who the fuck they are on a Saturday night. The men who won't be rotting away at the end of it all, pishing their last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats they might have spawned to replace themselves. No, they decided to seek fortune and fame in the field of academic studies. They also strive for acknowledgment for their beloved society by means of all major academic events in Europe. The core group consists of four men; Poika, Maxxi, Björkke and Matte. Their official representative wear is overalls, pink, white, black and yellow ones. Occasionally these madcaps are joined by a man in dark green or a man in dark blue aka Mannix and Vialli. Through the years this group of very unpredictable men have humiliated their opponents in cyyccae, ski jump, volleyball, sled riding, beer drinking, football, crawling, climbing, basketball, wrestling, swimming, whatever-ball etc. Their efforts to achieve world domination continues and every minute brings them closer to their goal. So if there's an academic happening in your home town and you're a wealthy beer owner, be afraid.

Be very afraid!

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