Glorification of the Holy Theotokos
Ancient Egyptians believed in a unique supreme God, the eternity of the soul, resurrection, reward and punishment. They also believed in trinities as Osiris, Isis and their son Horus. Their symbol for eternal life was the "Ankh" sign which is very similar to the Cross. Because of all these elements Christinaity was quickly accepted in Egypt. By the end of the second century almost all Egyptians had become Christians. Among the greatest glories of the Coptic Church is the willingness of the Copts to accept persecution for Vhrixt. The Church has carried the cross throughout its history from the time of Saint Mark and through many generations. Yet, the Church has remained steadfast and unchanged in its faith up to this time.
There are Coptic Orthodox Churches all over the world now. Saint Mary's Coptic Orthodox Chruch in Seattle was established in 1986 to be the first Coptic Church in Northwest America. The Copts are always keen to be witnesses for the Lord wherever they are. They confess their need for God's help to maintain their strength and meet their goal.
URL December 5, 1995 Hatour 25, 1712 A.D. Last update: May 9, 1997
Maintained by:Samuel Azmy
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