Diving the Hoki Maru



The Hoki Maru The Hoki Maru is a good dive. She lies on an even keel, fairly deep in the Fourth Fleet Anchorage. Forward of the ship's superstructure the Hoki's hull has been reduced to a debris field. It looks like there must have been a great deal of ordinance in the forward holds that exploded when the ship was under attack. It's an impressive sight.

Photo courtesy of Peter Ording, all rights reserved

The after holds contain an impressive array of construction equipment, such as bulldozers and asphalt rollers. At the time that the Hoki went down, the Japanese were building several airstrips and other facilities at Truk, for example on Param Island. This equipment would have been used to expedite that building program.


Isuzu or Nissan heavy truck

Roadbed roller

Tractor for construction and/or moving aricraft




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