Reef Diving in Chuuk

The barrier reef that shelters Truk Lagoon is a must dive for any extended trip to Chuuk. The variety and density of life on the reef is amazing. We saw giant clams, black coral trees as big as a man and lots of big animals. The coral islands around the lagoon are low, a few feet above sea level, with coconut palms and a "Robinson Caruso" look about them.

Micronesians have a reputation for being handy with a boat and also for their ability to navigate by dead reckoning without charts or compas. If our trip to North East Pass is any indication, the reputation is well founded.

We endured a rough ride out to the pass in a panga, an open boat with a 40hp outboard motor. The trade winds were blowing from the north east and the seas were running about 3-4ft, with whitecaps. It was an adventurous trip.

The Dive sites are in this area



As soon as we entered the water, a good sized turtle zoomed by

Many reef sharks live near North East Pass.

They're fast swimmers and it's a challenge to photograph them.

The reef is a living thing. The coral substrate anchors all other life on the reef and the coral also defines the perimeter of the Truk Atoll. Since divers come to Truk to dive the shipwrecks, the reef is relatively untouched. 

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