Personal Season Totals:

Yellowfin=17 Yellowtail=36
Total miles for season=585 miles covered

September 24 2000 Launched out of Shelter Island at 5:30 and rounded point at 6 made way for the 371. got there about 7:30. Hooked up on 15 pound yellowfin asap. Then made move to go to the 390 area because seas were very flat. We got there and caught 16 more YFT in around 3 hours. long ride home took a little over 2 hours back at the ramp at 3:15pm. water was around 69 in area. total trip = 105 miles

August 24 2000 Went out on the aquasport solo in hopes of a middle grounds-425 trip. Not a good day! water was very very sloppy almost unfishable. Winds were 15-20 allday long with white caps. Started a middle grounds for nothing, then went to south Island for 1 10 pound yellow. Then started toward 425, got to within 5 of the numbers but decided to turn around as it was just to ugly...there are better days than this! It just was not lookin good today. I did here of some fish here and there over the radio but not enough. I'll just wait for better conditions and more fish I'm sure real soon.Kyle Carden, Aquasport - trip 50 miles

August 20 2000 Went down to Hotel Correl in Ensenada for the annual free dive spear fish contest. Our Boat a skipjack 24 took 6 nice yellowtail from 15 to 25 pounds at the Ensenada High Spot We took 3rd Place with the 25 pounder,2nd place went to a 32 pound white seabass and first place went to a 48 pound Dorado- Yes 48 POUNDS!!!!!It was huge indeed,biggest I have ever heard of for this area. Kyle Carden

August 12,2000 Awesome fishing at the Middle grounds and out at the 302!! Left SD at 6am and was fishing the middle ground area in the mourning, arriving we found about 10 boats and acres of crashing yellowtail, Caught 6 by 8:30 between 15 and 35 pounds, largest was a monster "44 long!. We then heard good radio reports of albies on the 302 so off we went. Got there about 10:30 and the hot spot was about 5 miles outside the numbers. Started trolling our spread and hooked up on a couple af large albacore one being over 40#. Then nailed a paddy for another 6 15-20# yellows and 1 25 # albacore Before heading for home at 1:30 Cleaned fish for about 2 hours!!! Awesome fishing, all over a great day!! Total trip= 70 miles

August 4,2000 Dorado fishing is still happenning off of Del Mar- La Jolla area 10 miles off the beach, water is 72. Albacore are biting from the 390 area to the 60 mile bank pretty well. Inside banks 302,371,425 good reports of large yellowtail under the right kelp with some dorado and albies thrown in for good measure. I decide to run out to the 302 and 371 for a shot at big yellows. I launched at 5:30 and was out 5 miles short of the 302 by 7:30 started picking up kelp paddies 3-4 miles short of the bank but the y were all dry. the wind and sea was average: about 5 knots and 2-3 foot swell. Made my way up to the 302 and over to the 230 spot when I found the right paddy. Had 6 hook-ups on toad yellows only landing 2 in the boat, the ones I did land were 17 and 26 pounds. the others either broke my line or I just could not stop them from frieght training back to the kelp at warp speed to wrap themselves around the large paddy and free themselves. at Noon time I was down around the 371 when the wind and waves started to roar. Wind was ripping 20 -25 knots white caps with double wind waves and 3 foot swell!!! Not fun at all. I took 3 hours to get back from the 371 at trolling speed. Total for the day was 2 nice yellowtail. I sure hope this wind in the afternoon starts to settle down as we head into fall!! Total trip= 80 miles

July 27,2000 Dorado fishing has started and water tempertures 3-4 miles off the coast from the 9 mile bank area up towards oceanside have warmed up to 71-72 degres. I took the aquasport out of mission bay with a planned course of 5-10 miles 270 then turn right up the coast. I found a large floating pallet about 6 miles off La Jolla and fished it for one Mako shark. then went all the way up to the 33.02 line for no other fish or kelps so went back to La Jolla for lots of barracuda water was excellent! flat 25-30 all day long!!! Total trip= 50 miles

July 23,2000... Took the Aquasport out to La Jolla with my 7 year old boy Ryan. Fishing was thick for Barracuda and Yellow's averaged about 1/2 a rod for the fleet. It was a great day out there fishing with my 7 year old as he caught the one and only yellowtail of the day with just a little help from dad! He managed to catch his first yellowtail - a nice 15 pounder.Wind started to blow around 1pm so we headed back in to the dock. total trip=25 miles

June 30,2000.... Took the Aquasport out to fish for Yellows, As many fish as you could possibly want big schools were swimming around I caught 6 fish in 1 hour and 15 minutes average size was 15 pounds, double hook ups were common place! Fish were right off the Rosarito smokestacks again and they were thick, back at the dock at 11:30... great day on the water!! total trip= 40 miles

June 25,2000..... Went out of Dana Point on my brothers boat, a 32 Trojan to the San Onofre area saw a few yellows taken, but had acres and acres of slimers, caught about 15 barracuda on bait then went offshore looking for a paddy, never found one so we called it a day and were back in by 1:00. total trip= 25 miles

June 23,2000.... Went out of Mission Bay at 6am and headed up to LaJolla area to try for white sea bass and yelowtail, I tried the 1/2, Northwest and Scripps Pier area for no yellows today. THe ocean was very windy in the morning with 15-20 knot winds,I caught 2 small sharks,10 barracuda, and 2 sand bass. I didn't keep anything today left a noon to come in. total trip= 25 miles

June 20,2000.... Went out of Mission Bay a 5:30. The plan was to fish by scripps pier area for white sea bass. THe ocean was as flat as I have ever seen it!!!Were talkin bathtub water today! Anyways got to an area about 300yards outside of the pier and put on 3oz egg sinkers to go to the bottom,I put 2 rods in the holders and started my drift, Then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ goes one rod, Then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz goes the other rod.Double in 10 minutes get both fish in and gues what? There yellows! off the bottom in 130 feet of water! I put 2 rods in the holders and started my drift again, Then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ goes one rod, Then zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz goes the other rod again, four fish now in 30 minutes, by now I have drifted almost inside the pier and want to move the boat a little farther outside where I had begun my first drift, then I start the motor and this wierd sound like #%&*#%&***@^% is heard...What the......? The damm starter broke the gear shaft!!!I called Vessel assist and was towed back to MB Anyways that at least was an awesome hour of fishing before the boat broke! On way home stopped at BOAT US for a starter (199.99) fixed the boat the next day and am ready to back to the same spot again. 25 miles

April 28 2000 at about 645 I headed for the rockpile. I got there pretty fast around 800 or so, tons of bait in the water so trolled and fished bait for 1 hour but no takers. So picked up and went about 6 miles to the Titanic ship area and 1 mile before I got there I saw this small 6 foot paddy so I stopped and bam!,Bam!BBBAAAMMM!!! 3 20 pound yellowtail in 30 minutes, can you say "ARMS BURNING"?? then no more takers so then got to the spot and put put a CD-18 Blk/silver and a Blue/Silver Cd18 got 2 Double hookups in about 45 minutes of fishing out of the 4 I landing 3. Not Bad for solo fishing!!! Water was nice 1-2 foot swell made 35mph all the way home and was back at Shelter Island by 1:00 PM 50 miles

April 7 2000....Went out on the Aquasport to the Coronado Islands. Arrived at 7:30 and saw no boats so kept going south. Finally saw about 10 boats about 3 miles south but no one was doing any thing, so kept going south finally ending up 15 miles south between Rosarito beach and Descanso point, the whole fleet was there, about 10 partyboats and 75 private boats. Lots of people catching yellows on bait but not me! So I put the Rapalas in the water and started trolling I caught my limit of 5 over the next two hours, 3 on black and silver and 2 on blue and silver. Left for the dock at 12:30 The wind was howling 20 knots on top of a 4 foot swell and I got really beat up coiming home. Stuff was flying everywhere inside the boat. My teeth were still vibrating after the 2 hour long wet ride!!!! I sure hope for smoother water the next time out. But Yes!!! the summer season is just starting Yeah!!!! total trip = 50miles