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What the hell am I doing up here!!!

Paragliding 9 Welcome to my Cyber Paragliding Scene.

This is me pulling in my "Ears" while the guys from Austria took this shot. They put this photo in the brochure which I scanned. This was my second brand new glider and was a proto type. We still had more modifications to be done while I was testing. Paragliding is the safetest flying sport and the closest to flying like the eagles do. It is difficult to describe the feeling, as you just gotta try it out to know what I mean. I am willing to teach anyone the ropes as I'm an Advanced Pilot. I fly for the fun and enjoyment to soar just like the eagles.

Just getting Airborne!

I had just taken off and busy adjusting the straps to make myself comfortable. This was late in the afternoon and flying over the beach in the overcast weather. It was nice flying on my own, while the rest of the flying crew stayed on ground to enjoy watching me fly. It was a nice feeling to think "Hey, I own the air" :)

Paragliding 0
Paragliding 1 Cyber Paragliding in overcast

Me and my buddy just enjoying a long pleasant flight over the beach. We were chatting away saying we should do this or do that. We giggled so much up here that we wanted to stay in the air for as long as we could. But the weather was not looking good and only came down when it became too dark. There was a huge croud when we landed and they were amazed at what we can do.

The Cyber Paragliding Race

Me and my buddy flying side by side while our instructor, who was flying below us took this shot. We were trying to get as much speed in order to jump the valley to see if we could make it to the other side. We made it but we were not suppose to fly at this height, as we were flying near the international airport. We had such a rave as we spent about two hours flying up and down the ridge. I certainly treasured these moments. The cool sea breeze made me feel so "High" and fresh.

Paragliding 3
Paragliding 6 This is my Cyber Paragliding Gang

I am at the front left having a beer. We are getting ready to make a "Barbeque" after a days flying. I flew about a mile out over the sea and I won for flying the furthest. And no I didn't fall into the sea, I flew back and landed where I took off. Its called Top Landing and I am good at this.

The Cyber Paragliding Beach in Durban (South Africa).

If you look very carefully, you will see me at the top middle above my buddy. We were battling as the wind was changing direction and picking up. After about an hour of trying to work out what to do, my buddy made it down to the beach. I eventually landed in someone's lawn and made a hasty retreat. I was worried about the dogs gonna make a meal outta me.

Paragliding 5


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