Totally Cool Features



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On this page, I'll provide you some cool features of the car and some links to informative sites. 

Cool Features:

All Wheel Drive - the SVX came standard with AWD up until '94. If you've never driven an AWD car, you will be amazed at the ability of the SVX to handle snow, wet roads, gravel, etc. with complete ease. It also makes the car feel like its attached to the road in high speed turns.
Direct Ignition - The SVX doesn't even have any high voltage spark plug wires! Instead, the car has more regular, low voltage wires that go from the computer to each plug. On top of each plug is an individual coil that develops the high voltage for that plug only.
Long Lasting Items - The SVX comes with Platnium spark plugs and stainless steel exhaust. The plugs are rated at 100K miles and the exhaust will probably go the junkyard with the car in the year 2010 or so.
Non Interference Engine Design - The SVX 3.3L engine has what is called a non interference engine.  This means that should your timing belt break while you're out driving, the repair bill will be the cost of installing a new timing belt, plus a tow.  On many other cars, a broken timing belt means a tow, a new belt, new valves and perhaps a new piston or two.  Here's the reason - when you are driving along, the pistons are going up and down and the valves are opening and closing right above the top of the pistons to let in air and to let out exhaust.  When the timing belt breaks, the pistons on many cars will continue (via momentum) to go up and down and will slam into the now uncontrolled valves.  The result is bent valves and possible piston damage.  That's big bucks.  The SVX, on the other hand, is designed so that the valves cannot touch the pistons regardless.  Think of it as free insurance!
The Windows - The first thing you will notice is people staring at the car at stop lights. This is due to the unique "window in window" design. This design was done for two reasons. First, the car has big doors to make it easy to get in and out of. This means that a full size window would be very large and would (since it simply moves up and down) make a large "hole" in the car without structual strength in that area. By using the SVX design, the top half of the windows are actually part of the structual strength of the car and help it have that "cut from a single block of metal" feel. Secondly, the "window in a window" design allows you to drive with the windows open when its raining.
Winter/Summer mode for wipers - There is a switch under the dash that tells the computer to move the wipers all the way into the window well (summer mode) or to leave them an inch or so up on the windshield (winter mode).
Power Mode - The four speed electronic transmission has a special Power mode that you enter when you press the gas pedal aggressively. In Power mode, the car will run all the way to the red line before shifting. Careful though - you'll be breaking most speed limits before you hit third gear!
Manual Mode - Again, the transmission computer performs this trick. By pushing the Manual button, you are able to start the car in second gear and force it to stay in second or third. This is great for slick winter surfaces or when you are going downhill in icy conditions.
Automatic Climate Control - The main computer also handles this function in the SVX. On the dash is a round disply that you use to set the internal temp. The computer then uses an outside temp sensor, an inside temp sensor and even a sunlight sensor to decide how to keep you comfortable. The car can then put the air thru any of the vents and decide how much air should be blowing. With this much glass, the system does a great job.

Links: Remember to bookmark before you leave - you want to come back, don't you?

Road Test: The Subaru SVX  --   An article describing the '92.  Loves it, of course.

SVX - Here's someone who has archieved the enitre 1997 SVX web site from Subaru.  It's for the 1997, but since almost no changes were made in the cars during its run, this should be helpful and interesting. -- A owner who provides info and his thoughts on the car

Here's a list of cars for sales right now on the net.  I think you'll find my price is a good one.

 Make - Model      YR Miles   Price Dlr Phone Number ST 
 Subaru SVX        92  75K  $11,900  *  Auto-By-Tel  IL    
 Subaru SVX LS-L   92  60K  $11,995  *  Special      IN    
 Subaru SVX LSI    92  99K   $8,800     408-969-8068 NH    
 Jobs with top companies listed here!
 Subaru SVX LS-L   92  41K  $12,500     914-986-2189 NY    
 Subaru SVX L-AWD  95  29K  $18,050     918-258-8535 OK    
 Subaru SVX LS-L   92  68K  $11,995  *  610-970-5120 PA    
 Want to get you auto loan in just minutes?  CLICK HERE!
 Subaru SVX TOURI… 92  99K   $9,150  *  801-785-0493 UT    
 Subaru SVX        92  84K   $9,000     703-820-2603 VA    
 Subaru SVX        92  84K   $9,000     703-820-2603 VA    
 Subaru SVX LE     94  67K  $14,990  *  425-454-8411 WA    

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