Daron Wanberg - 11/29/00 04:59:08
My URL:http://www.3-di.com
My Email:jeepswanberg@qwest.net
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): CJ-2A 45 to 49
Let's talk jeeps
Harry Smith - 11/28/00 02:15:40
My URL:http://www.hlsmith@ptd.net
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): Willys pickups
Still looking for that pickup project, if you happen to find one let me know. thanks Harry
Mahlon Gridley - 09/26/00 10:00:57
My Email:gmahlon@hotmail.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): cjs and pups like you
Nice jeep and the history is very interesting
Rich Lambert - 08/27/00 15:14:18
My Email:red912@acmenet.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): '49 CJ-3A
Nice looking Willys with a very interesting history. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Mahlon Gridley - 07/29/00 04:25:53
My Email:gmahlon@hotmail.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): cj2a s and pickups
nice jeep
Sandy on Gray - 04/21/00 00:26:40
My Email:sgx3@worldnet.att.net
Love it uncle Marsh. Enjoy it.
Jeff Rimland - 04/12/00 17:59:15
My Email:jeff360@supernet.com
Hey Dad...
Nice Jeep Pictures......
Guess I'd better get back to work.....
Bill Osbon - 04/01/00 03:33:54
My Email:billo@odsgc.net
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): MB
Hello I am thinking about buying a 1945 Willys MB in the near futher, yours looks very nice, I like the looks of the old flatties.
Gail & Artie Blumert - 03/28/00 19:54:00
I finally found it. I printed it out for Art to look at tonight.
Dick - 03/28/00 14:36:44
My Email:woodworks1@yahoo.com
Nice rig. Love those jeeps. Doing a 56 pickup
right now..
Lars Svensson - 03/25/00 07:13:42
My Email:jeepen@telia.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): CJ:s and MB/GPW
Nice site with good pictures. A CJ from 1945 is a very rare vehicle. I am the owner of two CJ:S. One early -46 and one -48. Just now me and my son are restoring a -44 MB. This MB has served as a fireengine in the middle of Sweden for about 25 years. Send
e a mail if you like!
Same Al as listed below - 02/26/00 03:39:16
My URL:http://www.epix.net/~arskas
this is the proper address for my web page
Al - 02/26/00 03:35:36
My URL:http://www.epix.net/arskas
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): Anything Willys Made
Very nice Jeep you have there, I just recently purchased what I was told is a '45, it is second on my list of projects. Im sure I will learn alot as I go through the process of re-doing it.
Vern - 02/26/00 01:24:51
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): I have a 48 CJ2A
Congratulations on finding such a beautiful rig. What a sight to see! Thanks for sharing these pics and story with us.
Michelle Roventini - 02/22/00 05:54:01
Very cool website, Uncle Marsh! Love ya
Marc Rimland - 02/22/00 03:11:09
My Email:mlr@noln.com
Hi Dad. Cool Jeep!!
- 02/21/00 05:57:22
Chuck Young - 02/18/00 00:56:47
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/victory/392/jeeppage.html
My Email:hoss_54_98@yahoo.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): MY CJ2a 46, 47, 49
Gosh, that a really fine speciman and your one lucky fellow to own it. Terrific job on your jeep page, I hope you continue with the research and let us know what you find. Two thumbs up, jeeper dude!
Don Wood - 02/15/00 06:46:20
My Email:dhwood@banet.net
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): 46CJ2A
HARRISON NEWMAN - 02/14/00 19:51:14
My Email:ANSKY85
Reed Cary - 02/13/00 22:06:55
My Email:recary@yahoo.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): CJ-3A; BT-3
A magnificant specimen, and an interesting history.
IMHO, it truely deserves a factory style top.
Blaine Shirley - 02/13/00 20:14:15
My Email:Shirleys @ charter.net
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): 48 cj2a 98 wangler
Thats a good looking jeep with a very cool history
Ken Gordon - 02/13/00 18:26:55
My Email:gordon_kdg@hotmail.com
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): 53 cj3b
looks good Marshall
test - 02/13/00 05:10:48
My URL:http://test
My Email:test
Jeep Interests (CJ, Pickup, MB, GPW, etc.): test