The Great Sawtooth Adventure

Paul Winslow and the Howell brothers led this group of intrepid dirt bikers into the woods, and out again.
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At the beginning of the first ride the group receives and inspirational talk from Paul: "We're burning daylight!"

Here Joe and Nick compare blisters after flying up Skeleton Creek

Carlos on a typical rocky trail, el. 8500

Not a bad place to wait.

Carlos learns that KLX frames are not all they're "cracked" up to be.

I wonder where this trail goes?

At el. 9600, we ride over this pass and drop into a 60ft snowdrift.

Here is a beautiful camp near Ross Lake.

The trail then took up Ross creek. This shelf trail was typical. Notice narrow section where the trail disappears into the trees.

This Picture does not do justice to the trail. Some rode across, blindly following the previous riders, most pushed their bikes across.

Smiley Creek Lodge for lunch! Nothing like a big, greasy burger to make you want to ride!

Dave Berry crossing Big Smokey creek like a pro. Now where is that goat trail?

Stan admiring the view on yet another ledge trail. Don't look down!

There used to be a trail here somewhere......That dot on the left is Carlos.

Doesn't get much better than this. Big Smokey Creek near Skillern hot springs

Here is our intrepid leader, Paul, roosting through the posies near the beginning of the third day.

Todd, Sam and Dave enjoying a respite after a fast section.

Joe practicing his submarine tactics.

Yet another fun trail. Notice rider on bridge.

Dave and myself at a snack break.

Dave S. roosting up Grouse knob.

Carlos showing us how it's done.

Sam, Dave, myself and Joshua enjoying an endorphin high.

Last modified on Aug. 13, 1999
By Tor Anderson
This page created with Netscape Navigator Gold