El Camino Real Soccer League
NPSC Bangu
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NPSC Bangu is currently in its third year as a team. The team finished this years league season as champions of the boys under 17 gold division in ECRSL finishing the season with 10 wins and only 2 losses and for the second straight year, went undefeated winning every game in the second half of the season while outscoring their opponents 28-4 in the final 7 games. The team finished with an incredible goal ratio of scoring over three goals per game and giving up less than one goal per game. The year has simply been great, the team is dedicated and hardworking, and has a great love for the game. Bangu is coached by Bill Propster who grew up in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. There he played with and was coached at college by Anson Dorrance at the University of North Carolina. Coach Propster patterns his training after Dorrance. He focuses on basic functional training, encouraging players to know their job on the field, and for all players to have the ability to beat opponents in 1 v 1's.
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