Lionel Hegel's Memorial Page

For those of you who may not immediately recognize these two hairless brothers below, the good-looking one on your right is Lionel. He was diagnosed in November 2001 with a very aggressive form of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. When this picture was taken at Christmas, he was very courageously battling this cancer, in spite of the toll that the aggressive chemotherapy took on his body.

Unfortunately, Lionel's struggle ended on March 20, 2002 at 8:45 am. He passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family.

Thank you to all who have sent e-mails and cards with kind wishes and prayers, both before and after Lionel passed away. These have all meant lot to Lionel and to all of his family.

Click on the following links to see each of the following:

I would also like to repeat a request that Lionel made to several friends and acquaintances when he first got sick. His request was that you donate blood as often as possible, and that you give generously to the Canadian Cancer Society (click on the images below to visit these websites).

A scholarship fund has also been set up in Lionel's name for students in the College of Commerce at the University of Saskatchewan. If you wish to make a donation, cheques may be addressed to the Lionel Hegel Memorial Fund and sent to the following address:
Lionel Hegel Memorial Fund--College of Commerce
Room 223 Kirk Hall
117 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5C8

Thank you once again to all have been so generous. Lionel's family has truly been blessed with the overwhelming kindness and support from so many people.


This page was last updated June 5 / 2002.

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