Little Drover's Home Page

My name is Annie Lindsay and the purpose of this site is to:-

  • share some travel tips picked up during my years travelling (I'm especially interested in budget travel and travelling light); 
  • provide information on interesting places to visit in my local area of the Mornington Peninsula with it's many wineries and beautiful beaches; and 
  • let you know of places to go four wheel driving and camping so you too can experience the great Australian bush. 
  • share some photos which may be of interest to friends and family

I've travelled extensively in Europe and lived on the remote Scottish island of Iona for two years;

The island of Iona, Scotland
The Isle of Iona (Scotland)

prior to this I lived in Canterbury, Oxford and Brighton in England and have now settled in the state of Victoria, Australia.


New York Times technology columnist Edward Rothstein once stated that "Sarte had it only partly right. Hell is not just other people, it's other people's home pages". Bearing this in mind I'm not going to bore you with lots of details about myself, but rather let you get on with exploring this site which I hope you find informative and helpful.


Annie on the Island of Iona
Annie on the Island of Iona (Scotland) - view over to the Isle of Mull

Soligno in South Western Switzerland
Soligno in South Eastern Switzerland

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© Copyright 2001 Anne R Lindsay date last revised: 5 October 2003
This is very much a work-in-progress. I welcome your comments. 
Links last checked 5 October 2003