IPC Lecture
Lame Stuff

Well, this is the main page, welcome to this site, we'll see if it becomes anything decent. Hopefully I'll have the spare time to update the sucker. Email me if you have any thing what-so-ever to say: james_akeldama at

One of the things people have done recently is make a picture of themselves as a South Park character. The glasses, the crazy all over curly hair, the tired look (at least in the mornings), the like for metal music, it's all there. Anyways, here's mine:

Anyways, there is a text based role-playing game under the C/C++ link. No name yet but it's fairly decent, it has a clean structure to the code. Run 'tar -xzf myrpg.tar.gz' to unzip it. Go in to the myrpg directory ('cd myrpg'), run 'make', then './MyRPG' to play the game. There is a lot of info in the myrpg.h file as to the game itself (it's the commented out stuff). At the time of download the program may or may not compile, it's a work in progress. Once it is up to snuff I may start versioning them, and only releasing the stable stuff, but for now I'll just upload after updates have been made.

Also, right now it's (c) James Noble with no license, so email me if you wanna work on it and we'll figure out some Open Source license for it.
btw: james_akeldama at and bob_akeldama at