(Montoursville Volunteer Fire Department - Lycoming County, Pennsylvania - Station 20)

E.M.S. Staff

SHS Ambulance 91 & Ambulance 1-20 @ "The 20 House"

In March, 2001 realizing a shortage of daytime Emergency Medical Technicians, the Ambulance Committee began exploring the idea of having a paid E.M.S. staff on duty during daylight hours. This change, if made, would mean the end of an era. Ever since the Willing Hand Hose Company "got into the business" of providing emergency medical care to the citizens of our fire district in 1954 with a donated Buick ambulance courtesy of the Lion's Club, all volunteers had staffed the ambulance service in Montoursville.

However, given the ever decreasing number of volunteers, and the ever increasing amount of time a person had to be willing to give of themselves to become an Emergency Medical Technician, then maintain that certification meant this was a change whose time was quickly approaching........The Ambulance Committee felt the time to act was now.

The 1st hurdle to navigate was initially presenting the idea to the department. After some initial shock the department gave it's "blessing" to the Ambulance Committee to investigate the idea further.

After numerous meetings and research the committee decided that the staffing plan which would be most beneficial to the citizens would be to have the ambulance staffed by 2 E.M.T.'s between the hours of 6 a.m. & 4 p.m. - Monday through Friday. The remaining hours would continue to be covered by volunteer duty crews.

The committee continued working on their proposal throughout the spring and summer of 2001.

Feeling that everything was in order, the committee presented its proposal to the department on July 17th. Several valid questions and concerns were voiced during the presentation, however in the end the members present voted in favor of the Ambulance Committee's proposal.

The first day of this new era began on August 13th, 2001. While it's still early on in the life of this, so far the feedback from the public has been positive, and even some of the biggest critics have admitted that it was the right decision to make. More importantly, the results so far speak for themselves. Calls which would have probably gone unanswered before are now being handled, and response times are less than a minute.

The people of Montoursville Borough, Fairfield Township, & Upper Fairfield Township are now getting emergency medical services delivered to them in a fast, efficient, and professional manner.

Our Daytime Staff Is:

  • Chad Ludwig

  • Ken Krah

  • Ryan Gross

  • Jane Umpstead

  • Dennis Miller

  • Rick Whalen

  • Nate Confer

    These dedicated professionals are the perfect combination of youth & experience. They compliment each other well, and have become a valuable part of our department.

    Send mail to webmaster@station20.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Copyright © 2004 The Willing Hand Hose Co. # 1 Inc.