I decided to start it in May 1998 to try to list some useful links to financial and investment information, 'quality' and 'free' being important considerations. There are an awful lot of places out there that don't want to give you good information for free; they want to sell you their newsletter or magazine, which is where they're really making their money. Other sites are nothing but fluff, very low on anything useful. Over time I hope to have a decent collection of sites you can visit each day for information you can really use.
Investment Information The Motley Fool. The single best financial site on the web. A wealth of daily investment information, discussions about portfolios, and lots of other stuff. They also have a Saturday morning radio program. Money Page from U.S. News and World Report. LookSmart's Personal Finance. Investment links. The Investment FAQ. Investor Guide. Various documents about investing, from Equity Analytics. |
Financial News Yahoo's Quotes Page. Quicken's Financial Page. Lots of info on companies, news, etc. CNN Financial Page. Daily business news. Market Day Charts. CBS Marketwatch. More daily news and info. CNBC. Webradio business news stations. Live, no player needed, works through firewalls! Yahoo Radio. |
Portfolio Tracking My Yahoo Portfolio (assuming you set it up as your second personal page there). You can also access them at the top of Yahoo's Quotes Page. Quicken's Portfolio. This is part of My Excite Channel which you customize, also free. Motley Fool Portfolio. GainsKeeper. |
Stocks Mechanical Investing Calculator from Motley Fool. Quicken's Popular Searches Page. This is very useful: it will list the best performing stocks in several categories. Silicon Investor tech stocks. Stock Picks from SmartMoney magazine. MarketGuide. |
Mutual Funds Mutual Funds from The Motley Fool. Morningstar. Great place to check out funds. Top 100 Mutual Funds from CBS Marketwatch. Top 25 Mutual Funds from Quicken, searchable by fund category. Vanguard Group. One of the most professional places you can invest with. Janus Funds. Ditto. Fidelity Investments. Ditto. Maxfunds. Indexfunds.com. FundAdvice.com. Brill's Mutual Funds Interactive. TAM Asset Management. FundAlarm. |
IRAs Roth IRA Information. Lots of information about this variation on the IRA. Datachimp also has a bunch of Roth IRA info, including a summary of key differences and calculators to help you decide if that's the way you want to do it. |
Message Boards Favorite Boards at Motley Fool. Message Forums at SmartMoney.com. Yahoo Clubs. |
These are Must-Reads: The Motley Fool Investment Guide (Gardner). If you're about ready to put down your money, read this one. You Have More Than You Think (Gardner). If you're not quite ready to invest yet, then read this one and get up to speed. Debt reduction, buying a car, a lot of practical info. The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley/Danko). How rich folks save money by being thrifty, and how you can do it too. Lots of stats but there's a lot of good info in here too. The Unemotional Investor (Sheard). Detailed info on Dow investing, related to the RP methods at Motley Fool. Much more here too. |
Magazines Retire Early Home Page (an online mag) SmartMoney. Money Magazine. Forbes. Kiplinger. |
(reserved) |
Neat Stuff Watch your portfolio all through the day. Excite Assistant - much the same thing. Stock Toolbar from Yahoo. QuoteTracker from Quicken. Market Activity Map at SmartMoney. |
Other Stuff Bob Brinker. He's still touting his newsletter, but he has recently added message boards and organized things a lot better than before. He's on the radio every weekend, and is worth a listen even if he sometimes does a complete 180 on his own advice a few months later. |
However, here's the general consensus of what I've found:
This page is written and maintained by David Bartholomew.
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